This is my take. I love all of the inside info that VSPN is providing, because he obviously has a previous track record with BB and he definitely has a frame of reference to the situation. However, I hate that he leaked the information, because he has me optimistic that Monday will be a GLORIOUS day for the vols (and I'm never optimistic about anything).
On the other hand, I don't think that someone who is exposed and easily accessible to the public (like a radio show host) would advertise this kind of information if he didn't believe it to be 100% accurate, because he knows, if he is wrong on this one, he will forever be known as the guy who got everyone to believe Bryce Brown was coming to Tennessee. That would lead to a life of consistent ridicule and shame (in the professional world, of course) and would prompt some serious backlash from his fan base......and I would lead the lambasting for sure.
That is why I am 90% confident BB will be a vol. (the other 10% is reserved in case VSPN is getting played like a puppet)