On a somewhat related note, what is a brick wall doing that close to the field of play. Has it always been that close or is it relatively new. I havent been to neyland so Im not sure.
If I had to guess, and I'm no doctor, I'd say he jarred his neck or back and is having some soreness. Probably told them he heard a pop and they are being really careful.
If there's any possibility of any sort of head injury, protocol calls for complete immobilization until it can be confirmed that there is nothing more serious.
With most concussions they take precautions for neck injury as well. So you get the neck brace, board, and stretcher if there's even a hint that something might be wrong with his neck. They may not even really think that there is a neck injury, but if they didn't treat it that way and he damaged something worse in getting to the hospital they're open to lawsuits for neglect. So it is possible that it looks worse than it is. We can hope that's the case anyways.