Butch Jones handshakes after games

He's networking. He knows that if this season isn't impressive VN will be finding another coach!

Doubt Butch is too worried about what people on a message board is saying or thinking. He's too busy building his championship team!
He's laying down the trash talk. Like Will Ferrel in the campaign.
I hate to bring him up, but the way kiffin did Frank beamer after the peach bowl honestly made me ashamed.

I liked KIff while he was here but that really jumped out to me also. A coach with no character breeds a locker room like he had at USC
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If Stoops runs up the score, you will not see a respectful postgame greeting. Class begets class.

But, it'll look like one. What he'll be whispering in his ear is something like:

"FYI, I've got another top recruiting class coming in, another year to coach 'em up, and you're coming to my house next year. Paybacks are h3||."
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He's networking. He knows that if this season isn't impressive VN will be finding another coach!

You got to be kidding. Get rid of a coach that knows what he is doing. Bringing in recruits. And you say VN will be finding another coach. Yeah that's a great ideal. Lets just keep a coach for a year and a half run him off and start over every year. Some of you people are unreal. You give Dooley 4 years and that was a joke. I am glad Dave Hart is making decisions like this.
I dont put much stock in it.
Some guys handle loosing differently than others.
If I just lost a close game that my team played hard I really wouldnt want to shake the hand much less pull a larry david 'stop n chat'. If i just got my brains beat in I wouldnt mind too much.

On the flip side I wouldnt take any offense at all if the opposing coach never wanted to shake my had regardless of the outcome.
CBJ: How's your wife and my kids?

Stoops: Wait til next year, I won't be the SECs beeotch then!

CBJ: What's Big and Orange?

Stoops: What?

CBJ: The Tread marks up into your arse!

Stoops: $^(# $*^!

CBJ: See ya next year Lane... er Bob.

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