Butch Jones has turned team over to players

any news on Izauea Lanier is he still around is he gonna be eligable havnt heard any mention of him
1. Beat Austin Peay, learn the weak spots!
2. Beat Western Kentucky, improve, beat Petrino!
3. Beat Oregon, contain the speed, disciplined D!
4. Beat Florida, contain Driskill, dont fear winning!
5. Beat S Alabama, heal, regroup, refocus!
6. Beat Georgia, 1st downs on O, basics on D!
7. Beat S Carolina, contain Shaw, run at Clowney!
8. Beat Bama, rivalry, give your all for Tennessee!
9. Beat Missouri, run the ball, stop the run!
0. Beat Auburn, don't underestimate! Be disciplined!
1. Beat Vandy, the little sister, beat her down!
2. Beat Kentucky, finish strong, blowout!

fyp, not that I advocate beating down a little sister, but if I had one like Vandy.........
Who are the 14 "staff players" that the team elected?

My guesses include AJ, J. James, B. Moore, Tiny, R. Neal, Worley, Couch, Sapp, Fulton,
Walls, J. Smith, Coleman, Maggitt, Stone, Brewer (I know thats fifteen!)

Anybody close to the team know who the 14 actually are?
I like it. Give the team to the leaders and it actually becomes more personable
There are teams that have a "will to win" and UT hasn't had it in a while.

Go back to the '85 Bama game. UT loses Robinson and unused Dickey came in. The D simply put the team on its back and the offense didn't make mistakes and won the game. Was it pretty, no. However, they did what was needed to win.

In 1991, UT was getting thumped by ND...31-7 with ND lining up to kick a FG before half-time. UT got the block and "Floyd Miley can fly" took it in for the TD. UT came out in the 2nd half and scored to make it 31-21...new ball game!

UT needs 85-90 players that will do whatever it takes to win. A decently coached team beats UF, Mizzou, UGA, and USC last year. At least 3 of those 4 games.

A decently coached team would have beaten Vandy last season also. In 2010, I looked ahead and saw the 2012 team as ending with an 8 win season, plus a bowl win, to give us a 9 win season.

No way did I anticipate the type of season that we had, unless we had massive injuries along the team.

Also, had Da Rick played last season, we would have won a couple more games. The passes that Hunter dropped would have been caught by Da Rick for first downs or T.D.'s. Imagine Da Rick, Hunter, C.P. Rivera & Zack on the field on 3rd down!! Who do you cover????
I have no idea how many games the Vols will win this season. I have a feeling we'll lose a few of those "so close yet so far away" type games. But we may pull out a few mild upsets. The only thing I'm really looking for, and will be disappointed with Coach Jones if I don't see it, is improvement over the season. That's something that hasn't happened in several years but I think maybe CBJ is the guy to change that.
And I want to see the whole team still playing hard at the end of the game, even if we're way behind. If those two things happen, regardless of the final record, we will be on the right track. JMO, anyway!

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