Butch Jones is 2-0

Damn, leave the poor bastard alone already. He was a terrible hire who is long gone.

At what point do we move on and just forget that decade and a half, except for memories of Dobbs, Jennings, etc.? I know I have.

Jones earned it. There are 8 million reasons why he'll continue to be kicked while he's down.
Exactly. Of the 4 (Kiffin, Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt), he's the one I'm least likely to root for.

Pruitt was more well-meaning than people give him credit for - he just had a dinosaur offense and wasn't as good as Saban and Kirby at cheating.

No matter how many times you say this doesnt make it true.

Pruitt lied, cheated. His players quit on him in multiple years. He associated with low lifes like Rush Probst. He literally tried to fight Mark Richt. Tried to sue us. Literally every Georgia player with a TV gig said he's an ass but we chose to ignore all of them.. Our current special teams coach said he's an ass..

But hey, don't listen to me. Listen to the players that publicly stated how they hated going to the facility when he was there or how coaches at the big time high school programs viewed him.

Agree with you on Butch. He's a snake. Kiffin is trolling us more than admitting mistakes. Dooley was in over his head...
There was some guy smarter than me who once said: Never forget history or you are doomed to repeat it. Or something like that.

Who said anything about forgetting? I'm talking about the constant dwelling on it to the point of reports on what these poor schmucks are doing now.
Yeah, he really stepped in it with that, especially so close to when he was booted out here. I have more animus for the awful leadership here that kept making those hideous hires than for the clowns those guys are and remain to be.
I am personally glad to see the end of the Saban ā€˜coach rehabilitation programā€™ā€¦what was the purpose of him doing that, really?
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I am personally glad to see the end of the Saban ā€˜coach rehabilitation programā€™ā€¦what was the purpose of him doing that, really?
Well, it got Butch a job, resuscitated Kiffin's rep and saved Sarkisian from circling the bowl. No doubt Pruitt would have been back there at some pkint.
Well, it got Butch a job, resuscitated Kiffin's rep and saved Sarkisian from circling the bowl. No doubt Pruitt would have been back there at some pkint.
I always suspected it was to get inside info on other teams.. joke wouldā€™ve been on Saban because Butch probably didnā€™t know anything and was just a colossal pain in the butt
Who said anything about forgetting? I'm talking about the constant dwelling on it to the point of reports on what these poor schmucks are doing now.
Sami, I believe you did since you said ā€œforget that decade and a halfā€. But ā€œpoor schmuckā€ is a fair description of Butch Jones so we agree on that.

I am never forgetting that 15 years of wandering in the wilderness. It makes me appreciate Josh and Danny White and what they have done even more.
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Yeah, he really stepped in it with that, especially so close to when he was booted out here. I have more animus for the awful leadership here that kept making those hideous hires than for the clowns those guys are and remain to be.
I agree with that too regarding the leadership during those 15 years. It was abysmal and a primary cause of the problem.
Sami, I believe you did since you said ā€œforget that decade and a halfā€. But ā€œpoor schmuckā€ is a fair description of Butch Jones so we agree on that.

I am never forgetting that 15 years of wandering in the wilderness. It makes me appreciate Josh and Danny White and what they have done even more.

I don't forget the past as if it never happened, but I just don't dwell on it and wallow in it like so many seem to like to do. Jones was ill prepared to coach at this level - he was what he was, and he's gone. If I didn't constantly see references to him here, he'd be gone and forgotten.

I appreciate that Donde, Danny, Josh, Tony V., and Barnes have totally removed us from the wilderness that almost seems like a lifetime ago at this point. When things are really good in your life, do you constantly remember and dwell on lousy times? Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
He's 13-26 at Arkansas St.

I thought the same thing you did when he took that job, that he'd be good there, but they've been terrible.
I thought Butch is capable of being a good coach at that level. He is not. They are worse than when he got there.
He has only succeeded when following Brian Kelly.
Honestly, he has sucked since Jancek got run out of Knoxville.
Damn, leave the poor bastard alone already. He was a terrible hire who is long gone.

At what point do we move on and just forget that decade and a half, except for memories of Dobbs, Jennings, etc.? I know I have.
Good for you
Exactly. Of the 4 (Kiffin, Dooley, Butch, and Pruitt), he's the one I'm least likely to root for.

Dooley wasn't a bad guy - he just sucked as a head coach.
[B]Pruitt was more well-meaning than people give him credit for[/B] - he just had a dinosaur offense and wasn't as good as Saban and Kirby at cheating.
And Kiffin made a mistake and acknowledges it.

Butch is a snake-oil salesman, plain and simple.
Based on what???
What makes him pretentious?
Turn on subtitles.

"Brain storming, habit forming, battle warning weary Winsome actor spewing spineless chilling lines
The critics falling over to tell themselves he's boring And really not an awful lot of fun
Well, who the hell can he be when he's never had V.D.And he doesn't even sit on toilet seats?

Court jesting, never-resting, he must be very cunning To assume an air of dignity and Bless us all with his oratory prowess
His lame-brained antics and his jumping in the air And every night his act's the same and so it must be All a game of chess he's playing

"But you're wrong, Steve, you see, it's only solitaire""

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