Butch Jones on Ainge Show (8/21)

I know this is off topic but I just heard on TSR rumors are coming out of a helmet change black or gray what they saying. Can someone start a topic on this to see what people are hearing? I would start one but it won't let because I do not have enough post. Sorry for being off topic!

Pick one of the 100 uniform threads and ask? Just a thought...
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Butch Jones is a perfectionist at coach speak. Heard the show this morning on the way to work. Didn't have to hear closely cause its the same every time. Only thing that caught my attention was the qb announcement. At least the man is consistent with his interviews lol
Butch Jones is a perfectionist at coach speak. Heard the show this morning on the way to work. Didn't have to hear closely cause its the same every time. Only thing that caught my attention was the qb announcement. At least the man is consistent with his interviews lol
What else can he really say at this point? Football needs to start.
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I agree that Worley will get the job to start the year. From how he(Coach Jones) explained what he wants from his QB this year, I think the moment he can trust one of the freshman QBs to make the right decisions on the field, which includes throwing the ball away, then that freshman will take the job.

There is absolutely nothing to support your opinion. Its just a wild arsed stab in the dark.

Could it work out that way - sure, but there is no data out there to lead to this conclusion any more than predicting one of the true freshmen LB's will replace Sapp as soon as they learn the reads.

Everyone with these strong beliefs concerning the QB position continues to amaze.
That makes me think that he will start Worley for the time being, but that he will end up with one of the freshmen after the other positions get settled in.

If Worley plays well at Florida, it's likely his job for the rest of the season unless he gets hurt.
There is absolutely nothing to support your opinion. Its just a wild arsed stab in the dark.

Could it work out that way - sure, but there is no data out there to lead to this conclusion any more than predicting one of the true freshmen LB's will replace Sapp as soon as they learn the reads.

Everyone with these strong beliefs concerning the QB position continues to amaze.

Me too!
I've said it before...

Jay-Bay needs to stay completely off the mic. He adds NOTHING to the Ainge show. His time would be much better spent managing the station he owns behind the scenes.

lighten up, jay bay is funny. And he has created the only radio station in Knoxville worth listening to. You could go to the other station and listen about golf, and have a dumb blonde give you your football news.
we're lucky to have the show. dont get complaining about it. good for jb to find something he enjoys and be successful, we should all be so lucky.

its a well liked show. can ainge be arrogant? yea. who cares? turn the station off.

no offense, its beats hearing doc jeff and heather reply to steve, that one know it all guy, and roger.

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