Butch Jones Tweet about Saturday night

If you scroll down through the tweets, there's a Vandy fan talking trash. Hahaha

Whenever, Butch applauds Vol fans for great turnouts for non-games these pathetic Vandy people always internalize it. Remember when that Vandy assistant got offended when he said that some teams can't get 50K for a home game but we get them for our spring practice last year? Butch never even mentions Vandy by name.
Candy's never done anything in their history but they're talking sh!t? I'm starting to hate them like a real SEC team.......but they're not and never will be. Never never never.
That's Kiffin. Selling something they don't need. Butch sells an Eskimo some UT blankets, firewood and a fish recipe book with a spice of the month membership.

(imagine CBJ's recruiting rankings once we start winning...look out, Saban's nothing)
Yep. I really get a kick out of watching him during his first Vol walk against Austin Peay last year. You can tell that he is completely blown away by the experience and the support from the fans.

Yeah, I remember watching the video and thinking that he looked overwhelmed in a good way of course. :)
Candy's never done anything in their history but they're talking sh!t? I'm starting to hate them like a real SEC team.......but they're not and never will be. Never never never.

SEC network just had a segment hyping the Vandy Temple game. I can think of a few things I would rather be doing

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How cool do you have to be to go on to the social media of a grown man and throw cuzz words at his tweet? On top of that, kids read CBJ's tweets and there's no need in that crap. What a disgrace to a University that's supposed to be the "Harved of the south".

No kidding. Low class? We are Vaaahhhnnnderbilt. Pass the chardonnay, Muffy......
He's probably just trolling one last comment before his team is cast back into the obscurity of the dead zone.
You know before JF got to Vandy.. I always at least respected them for their academics. Felt like a little sister you stick up for..

Now instead of a Vandy grad that deserves respect, that has manners and an education. They have idiots who never even graduated grade school.

I know three different Vandy alum that can not even root for their own school anymore for fear they will get grouped up with the James Franklin Mafia.

They can't wait for his stink to get washed off of their University as they put it. So even if they are not winning, they can at least have their dignity again.

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