Butch Jones



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2009
I think most people on here would agree that we should have hired Brian Kelly over Lane Kiffin 4 years ago. Well, this time, why not hire the guy who is most like Kelly was then?

I'm talking about Butch Jones. He followed Brian Kelly at Central Michigan and was so successful that he took over for him at Cincinatti as well.

What I like about Jones is that he has won conference championships at two schools (2 in 3 years at CMU and working on doing the same in his 3rd year at Cincinatti). He's been excellent at taking the talent he has and consistently beating other teams with similar talent and occasionally knocking off a team from a major conference as well.

When he went to Central Michigan, he also ended a long losing streak to their rival N. Illinois, something Kelly wasn't able to do. And then he never lost to them again (I point this out simply because we have a few long losing streaks that it may be nice to get rid of).

Also, he's considered to be a better recruiter than Kelly was and has been bringing in higher ranked classes.

I think this guy is the surest thing out there in the mid major ranks and I really hope we look long and hard at him. He's a young guy who could be at UT a long time and he's a proven winner. And historically, it's a much safer bet to hire a solid proven winner from the mid major ranks than it is to hire some old guy retread who has previously been fired from a major college job (like the other Butch, and like Tuberville, Cutcliffe, Petrino, etc.)
Take the guy that Dooley has a "signature" win over?

Had to to it. Butch is a good coach, but it would be a wait and see hire. Not what UT needs right now.
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He'll get a bigger job for sure, but we aren't going to hire an up and comer this time around.
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My real name is Butch. If Butch Jones and Butch Davis are not nicknames but real, that's enough for me to know they are demi-gods and leaders of men.

I Butch Newton "bignewt" approve this message.

Google me.:p
My real name is Butch. If Butch Jones and Butch Davis are not nicknames but real, that's enough for me to know they are demi-gods and leaders of men.

I Butch Newton "bignewt" approve this message.

Google me.:p

i dont wanna get fired...
Take the guy that Dooley has a "signature" win over?

Had to to it. Butch is a good coach, but it would be a wait and see hire. Not what UT needs right now.

Yeah, I know that's his one big negative. That said, Dooley did have more talent overall on the field that day. And Bray/Hunter/Rogers were on fire. And I mean, we're still talking about Cincinatti vs. UT for crying out loud. Two completely different levels of program/players/etc.

That said, I don't get the "Not what UT needs right now". We certainly need a proven winner with upside more than we need an old guy retread has-been like a Tuberville or a Butch Davis. Or a guy whose career has been irrevocably damaged like a Petrino.

We had a chance to hire Kelly in 2008 and instead picked the guy with a sketchy record and a recognizable name. We had a chance at Sumlin in 2010 and instead picked the guy with a sketchy record and a recognizable name. Why make the same mistake again?
Not the best hire, but a huge improvement. He wins alot more than he loses. Tough to recruit to Cinci. He would be a great value hire as he only makes 1.575 a year now.

Yeah, pretty much the response I'd expect from someone who thinks along these lines:

If any of you are holding out for something greater, go rout for a different school.

We are what we are, a mediocre has been that isn't likely to ever reach our glory days again. The sooner this fact is accepted, the sooner we can move on.

Tennessee football has a proud tradition and I'm a proud alumnus, but this football program will never be what it once was.

Here's hoping for 7-5. Mizzou or miss st are our only hope.

..But some of us still want to at least try to hire a winner.
Terrible. Cincy plays in a stadium of 40K in the worst conference (Big East) He would be a Dooley type hire.
I'm pretty sure I went to a Toledo vs. Cincy game and Cincy lost....I was drunk so I don't remember. DO NOT WANT
yeah he'd be a disaster, I just mention it because i'm seeing this guy's name come up on the various lists
Terrible. Cincy plays in a stadium of 40K in the worst conference (Big East) He would be a Dooley type hire.

It'd be better than the Dooley hire. That's how bad the Dooley hire turned out to be.

Jones has a 49-27 career record at 2 different schools, with one of those schools having some recent success and some level of expectation (Cincy). He's also been a coordinator before. Dooley had none of those things.

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