Butch Jones...



Mr Buck Dancer
Jan 23, 2005
i respect this man for taking this job. saying this program is a re-building project is an understatement. but, he is the man to do it.

butch, you get it. and for that sir, we appreciate that! also, f dooley for screwing our team up this bad :p
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The truth of the matter is if Wilcox had never left then Dooley would still be our coach.

Anyone dumb enough to hire Sunseri and not fire him after Debacle 1 isn't worth having. They would look so bad this year.
The lack of going for it on 4th and shorts, a few times in the first half, cost us this game. We had the momentum and he threw in the towel is the way i look at it. We had momentum and we ran the ball fairly well. Alot of people may not agree with me, but im sorry, im pi**ed.
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The lack of going for it on 4th and shorts, a few times in the first half, cost us this game. We had the momentum and he threw in the towel is the way i look at it. We had momentum and we ran the ball fairly well. Alot of people may not agree with me, but im sorry, im pi**ed.

There were some other problems, but even I would agree this cost us the momentum.
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Butch "gets it"? On what evidence to you guys make that assertion? I think what you are really saying is, geez, we HOPE Jones gets it. I like Jones, but he's done nothing to prove that he "gets it," unless you think beating two cupcakes is a big deal. Today was a test and we looked terrible. I saw zero today to suggest that this staff "gets it" any more than Dooley and his staff did.
i respect this man for taking this job. saying this program is a re-building project is an understatement. but, he is the man to do it.

butch, you get it. and for that sir, we appreciate that! also, f dooley for screwing our team up this bad :p

This x1000
The lack of going for it on 4th and shorts, a few times in the first half, cost us this game. We had the momentum and he threw in the towel is the way i look at it. We had momentum and we ran the ball fairly well. Alot of people may not agree with me, but im sorry, im pi**ed.

Does pissed really need the **?
The truth of the matter is if Wilcox had never left then Dooley would still be our coach.

That's really hard to say since Wilcox was probably constantly irritated by Dooley's incompetence. Something had to give, and the smart one took off for a better situation.
The lack of going for it on 4th and shorts, a few times in the first half, cost us this game. We had the momentum and he threw in the towel is the way i look at it. We had momentum and we ran the ball fairly well. Alot of people may not agree with me, but im sorry, im pi**ed.

Oregon would have scored a 100 points if we had went for on 4th. We are getting beat by a much much better team.
Personally as far as this team goes,,I would rather have seen him play one of the freshman QB's while they had this "great" O line to work behind. Expectations were already low this year so why not go with someone that has a little more athletic ability than Worley. I think my arm is as strong as Worley's.
I still think we have a chance to win 6 games...but we'll see. Remember butch at Cincy the first year went 4-8. We'll get better.
some of you girls are being more temperemental and emotional than my wife.

im proud to have cbj as our head coach. im mentally prepping for a long year. and, peterman is a better option for this offense than worley.

no sweat, butch gets it

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