Butch Jones...

Oregon would have scored a 100 points if we had went for on 4th. We are getting beat by a much much better team.

Oh ok......Were we not running the ball fairly well? Yes. We decided to punt on a 4th and 1 near midfield and go against testing our all world O-line to push for a 1st down with a QB sneak or a run. We may not have won, but we could have made this game more respectable. Horrible decisions by the coaching staff is what cost us a victory/respectable game.
Oh ok......Were we not running the ball fairly well? Yes. We decided to punt on a 4th and 1 near midfield and go against testing our all world O-line to push for a 1st down with a QB sneak or a run. We may not have won, but we could have made this game more respectable. Horrible decisions by the coaching staff is what cost us a victory/respectable game.

Near midfield? You really wanna put Oregons offense with that good of field position? This game would still be a blowout. Oregon is far and away a better team...
This is inexcusable, I don't care how good a team is, they treated us like a high school team.

I don't care if we have a new coach....enough with the excuses.
When we win only 1 more game this year just keep on loling

At the absolute worst, we go 5-7 with wins over S. Ala, Vandy, and Ky.

It's likely we add Mizzou and possibly Auburn to that to make 7-5.

Throw in a real possibility of beating Florida, and we're 8-4.

If we catch a break and pull a win over UGA or SC, we're 9-3, and likely in the SECCG.

No way we're only winning one more. I'm comfortable saying we'll most likely go 7-5. Oregon is a much better team than you're giving them credit for. They could probably easily hang with Bama if not beat them. One loss to the #2 team does not end the season. Sorry to ruin your fair weather fandom.

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