Buzz or Houston?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
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Oct 22, 2003
I think given a little more time Buzz could make a run at this one.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Jan 8, 2005 7:25 PM
I think given a little more time Buzz could make a run at this one.

:eek:lol: :dlol: :eek:lol:

Buzz doesn't have quite the same confused look that Wade used to have - you know the glazed eyes and mouth half opened.
I remember the look. :lol:

I don't think Buzz realizes how bad it really is.
As long as the Lady Vols are winning, nobody REALLY cares what the men do. Buzz's job is safe until the Lady Vols start to lose.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 8, 2005 8:21 PM
As long as the Lady Vols are winning, nobody REALLY cares what the men do. Buzz's job is safe until the Lady Vols start to lose.

I think you may have finally lost your mind.

People do care about the mens basketball team. We just haven't had much to be happy about lately.

But Buzz did room with MJ you know. :D
I think you may have finally lost your mind.


People do care about the mens basketball team.

YOU maybe. I only watch the men's games for lack of a football game to watch.

We just haven't had much to be happy about lately.

LATELY?? :blink: When was the last time the UT men's team had ANYTHING to be happy about?

But Buzz did room with MJ you know.

I live in the same county as Darryl Worley, but that doesn't make me a country singer.
The MJ comment was sarcasm.

The last time the team was good was the year before Buzz got here. Green also coached us to the Sweet 16 during his tenure.
I remember that they won 20 games for 4 straight years and had 4 NCAA tourney appearances. I also remember people complaining because we would lose in the tournament. I guess Buzz figured that one out....just never make it. I guess losing to Georgetown and some other small school I can't even remember right now in the NIT is much better.

I am still mad about that performance today...can you tell?
How did you react after the Nebraska game?


I honestly DO care how they do, simply because they are the VOLS, but I don't have as high expectations for them as other UT sports.
Houston by far. One more year and Buzz will have the ship righted and turning around 2 more years and they will be a Conference challenger.
Last time I checked, Buzz wasn't using the program for the sole purpose of launching an NBA career for his son.
Originally posted by TNVOLS1@Jan 9, 2005 4:36 AM
Houston by far. One more year and Buzz will have the ship righted and turning around 2 more years and they will be a Conference challenger.

TNVOLS1 are you serious?? What have you seen from Buzz that makes you think this?


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Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 9, 2005 12:55 PM
I'd say give him two more seasons to shape up, and if he doesn't, give him the boot.

I agree...Buzz should stay on for another year at least...but he needs to make changes in the staff in the worst way...

And he needs to land Jamont Gordon at all costs.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jan 9, 2005 12:49 AM
But Green's team was a bunch of thugs. Remember Tony Harris??

:blink: Tony Harris was a ball hog, true, but before you call a player a thug.... you can look around basketball and find a much worse human being.

Did Mears get pushed out because of Bernard King. King's exploits are still talked about in Knoxville. Harris did nothing anywhere near as thuggish as King did in the '70s.

The reason that Green was pushed out was not because of "thug" players.... but because he and Pat Summitt did not get along and Green did not kiss :censored: of all the donors. Green's record spoke for itself (20-9, 21-9, 26-7, 22-11) and his four straight 20+ win seasons and NCAA tournament appearances can be matched only if you go back to the 1970's. The "thug" argument that is widely used is only to justify the firing one of the most successful coaches in Tennessee men's basketball history.

Regarding Houston vs Buzz....

Houston was by far the worse coach. Houston had 2 seasons with at least 20+ losses. He had only 2 winning seasons during his tenure. (16-14, 12-22, 19-15, 13-17, 5-22)

I will go so far as to say that Kevin O'Neill is worse than Buzz. O'Neill NEVER had a winning season at Tennessee (11-16, 14-15, 11-16). He was good with discipline, but if you can't win... it does not matter. By contrast, Buzz's worse season was his first (15-16, 17-12, 15-14, and currently 8-6). By all rights, his 2nd season should have been an NCAA team. They were 17-11 after the SEC tournament in which they were the 2nd seeded team from the east. They had a better SEC record (9-7) than 2 other SEC teams that were at-large selections. Then almost immediately after the rejection from the NCAA, they had to play a hot Georgetown team and played very lackluster.

To rank the former Vol coaches since 1990...
1. Jerry Green (avg record 22-9, 4-of-4 postseason appearances)
2. Buzz Peterson (avg record 16-14, 2-of-3 postseason appearances)
3. Kevin O'Neill (avg record 12-16, 1-of-3 postseason appearances)
4. Wade Houston (avg record 13-18, 2-of-5 postseason appearances)

I would also currently put Buzz Peterson behind Don DeVoe, who in his 11 seasons as coach averaged 19 wins and 13 losses per season.... and took the Vols to 6 NCAA tournaments (5 straight NCAA appearances his first 5 seasons) and 3 NIT tournaments. The advent of the shot clock and the 3-point shot hurt DeVoe and his coaching style. His final 4 seasons at UT, he averaged 15 wins and 14 losses and had 1 NIT appearance and 1 NCAA appearance.
I just read that Buzz has taken away the players orange practice jerseys until further notice. Think that will get them to play better?
I saw that. I think it would have been a good idea.....ABOUT A MONTH AGO!

It can't hurt but I don't think much it going to help this team now.

I also heard that somebody on Vol Calls said that it was time for a new coach.....and Buzz was on the show at the time. :lol:

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