What's the percentages of a car intentionally crashing into my kids as opposed to kids with public educations intentionally shooting up a school??? :whistling:
I'm neither for nor against home schooling. It depends on who is doing the schooling in terms of competency.
What I wish to do is express a societal opinion. We allow the production of and purchase violent games for our kids. Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat, and so on. Media whether movies or comic books have been and are a source of praising guns and big explosions, fighting in some form or another. Doesn't matter the generation. Go all the way back to dime novels, Charlie Chaplain, Three Stoogies, Popeye,. . . . To these modern times of Salt, Inception, Jonathan Hex, True Grit and so forth. Not to mention images that bomb kids with sexual promptings. Then when our kids commit acts of violence
and even sadist acts, we presume to act shocked? [
]Six arrested in brutal murder of Fla. boy Seath Tyler Jackson - Crimesider - CBS News
Kids who even post their criminal acts online as a form of bragging to boot. [
"I never raised my child to do this." Blah, blah blah. Yeah, right. As a child my biggest worry was doing something I shouldn't be doing and knew it, and being seen by an adult living in the area. They'd command me to sit on the porch or in the yard and call my parents. And don't dare to presume to talk back ("You ain't my momma, can't tell me what to do.) cause if you did, you only make it worse. It's then I wished I'd been born without an arse because I knew what was going to happen to it when my mom or dad came to pick me up. Or told the adult to send me straight home. None of that time out hogwash. Today, if you so much as ask a kid to stop breaking your window panes, the parent hauls you to court for traumatizing the darn brat. The cops will probably write you up for assault even though you only asked the kids to stop breaking your windows. Overzealous social workers will seek court action to demand you compensate the child for punitive damages or some other trumped up bull. In short, we are teaching kids they can do whatever they want. Then we're shocked when they commit acts of brutality and worse? We, as a society are reaping what we have sown.
What does this have to do with home schooling vs. regular school? Doesn't matter which, violence by kids happens in both places. Including home schooled kids who kill their parents.
Just my opinion on violence by kids whether home schooled or not. The first finger should point to ourselves as parents and a society.