(VolunteerHillbilly @ May 23 said:
I agree with you to a point Old Vol, but I can tell you right here and now that I have absolutely no problem advocating my views on the Fulmer subject in person. Heck, I've spent several years advocating things that I personally disagree with in front of all sorts of people because it's my job.
Now, would I needle someone who disagrees with me and call them a Fulmerite to their face? It just depends. I'm a grown man and I don't tend to move in circles of people where I have to worry about somone trying to suckerpunch me becasue I disagree with them about who should coach a football team. On the other hand, I would not want to insult someone so it would probably depend on my level of familiarity with the conversant. On this board it is impossible, or at least very difficult, to achive that level of familiarity. Does that mean you can't push the envelope and have a little fun? Or does that mean we should all observe strict rules of social decorum in our posts? I guess either way has some validity but the simple fact for me is I want a new head coach. I will not stop talking about it until we have one. I will disagree with most anyone who says we do not need a change. And I will probably continue to use the terms "Fulmerite" and "Fulmer lover". But your point is taken and I'll see what I can do to accomodate you.
Hillbilly, it's not ME.
I really like this board. So you need not worry about accommodating me, per se.
I've been on a lot of message boards and I've seen more than a few die because of a lack of civility.
That's not to say that posters who are familiar with one another can't needle each other, but it's usually obvious and done in fun.
Often, when one feels strongly about a subject, name-calling and labels tend to lead to vitriolic exchanges that usually end up turning people away from the conversation.
As you've seen, I can give as well as I take. My feeling is, when there's a serious conversation (And you can't get more serious than the subject of firing a man and taking his living) there's usually someone around who knows that person on a very personal basis, or at the very least, a fan who feels just as strongly to the contrariwise as you or any other poster feels about their opinion on this or some other manner.
It never augments the conversation to allow it to get ugly. I've seen people leave boards when they get too angry in tone. I don't think that's happening here, but it could. It adds nothing to label one person or group with an unflattering name because of the opinion they hold.
Some might not consider Fulmerite, or Fulmerhater as a pejorative, but most would not really like it depending on the tone of the conversation.
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I have never felt it made me look tough to call people out by name-calling. I'd much rather argue to the death by supporting my argument with facts and well laid strategic debate tactics. And I'll do that 'til the cows come in.'
Some folks mistake kindness for weakness and that's always a mistake.
I'm not impressed with people who lay down all the tough talk, and I'm not insinuating you have nor am I trying to point a finger at anyone, I'm merely making a point.
Tough talk is most impressive when nose to nose.
People who do it here arent fooling anyone.