Cal is the Biggest Game of 06

(lawgator1 @ May 23 said:
I respectfully disagree. I do not think anyone on here is so foolish as to think that this is a national championship year for Tennessee. The goal needs to be to win the SECE, first and foremost. While it is true that beating Cal might give you "confidence" heading towards Florida, the reality is that five minutes into the Florida game no one on either side is going to be thinking about which team beat who two weeks before.

The biggest game of the year for UT will most likely either be Florida or Georgia, as it always is. You can't tell right now because the scenarios to win the SECE always seem to turn on unexpected developments in ohter parts of the conference.

Look at it this way. If you lose to Cal, everyone on here will go, well, that doesn't matter now because we just wanted to find our way back into the SEC mix. If you beat them, everyone on here will be talking about how you can't get too excited because Cal is probably just another preason overrated PAC-10 dummy and how you need to focus on what's important, which is the SEC.

You make sense in your words but you're still a gator :p
(lawgator1 @ May 23 said:
I respectfully disagree. I do not think anyone on here is so foolish as to think that this is a national championship year for Tennessee. The goal needs to be to win the SECE, first and foremost. While it is true that beating Cal might give you "confidence" heading towards Florida, the reality is that five minutes into the Florida game no one on either side is going to be thinking about which team beat who two weeks before.

The biggest game of the year for UT will most likely either be Florida or Georgia, as it always is. You can't tell right now because the scenarios to win the SECE always seem to turn on unexpected developments in ohter parts of the conference.

Look at it this way. If you lose to Cal, everyone on here will go, well, that doesn't matter now because we just wanted to find our way back into the SEC mix. If you beat them, everyone on here will be talking about how you can't get too excited because Cal is probably just another preason overrated PAC-10 dummy and how you need to focus on what's important, which is the SEC.

completely agree. its Florida and GA just like it is every year.
Yeah, Cal isn't important in terms of season outcome really.

However, is it somewhat important in terms of national appeal and image? Yes.
Whether or not you like Fulmer has nothing to do with your devotion to UT Vol football. I guess some of you probably think the "real" UGA fans are the people who wish Ray Goff was still there and the "real" Gator fans have signs in their front yards that state "Bring back the Zooker!"
(VolunteerHillbilly @ May 23 said:
Whether or not you like Fulmer has nothing to do with your devotion to UT Vol football. I guess some of you probably think the "real" UGA fans are the people who wish Ray Goff was still there and the "real" Gator fans have signs in their front yards that state "Bring back the Zooker!"
By that standard, I'm a "real" UGA fan. I would be thrilled if Ray Goff were back in power.
(VolinArizona @ May 23 said:
Why does loyalty have to mean we can't say negative things?

You're loyal to your family, but you know of their shortcomings and will let them know when they need to fix something? Right?

Please don't think that loyalty is defined as optimism, because it isn't. The fact that we post here after a terrible season is proof we are loyal.

I was just speaking for myself in that I think loyal is a better description than blindly devoted. I was not questioning anyone else's loyalty or implying that the two are mutually exclusive.
(lawgator1 @ May 23 said:
I respectfully disagree. I do not think anyone on here is so foolish as to think that this is a national championship year for Tennessee. The goal needs to be to win the SECE, first and foremost.

The goal this year is finding our long lost offense period. If UT has to go 8-4 to do that, so be it. IMO the Cal game is a no lose situation for the Vols. UT is not ranked by any recognizable poll, so if they win they garner national attention. If they lose impressively in a shootout we may have some indication that the offense is back. If they lose big, the national media will just say "that was expected".

I understand the sentiment, but given UT's most recent history of starting slowly, a loss could simply indicate that our offense is not up to speed with its coordinator. My sincere hope is that at some point this season the light bulb goes off and our beloved Vols find themselves again. It may not be reasonable to expect that in the first game of the season.
(Lexvol @ May 23 said:
The goal this year is finding our long lost offense period. If UT has to go 8-4 to do that, so be it. IMO the Cal game is a no lose situation for the Vols. UT is not ranked by any recognizable poll, so if they win they garner national attention. If they lose impressively in a shootout we may have some indication that the offense is back. If they lose big, the national media will just say "that was expected".

I understand the sentiment, but given UT's most recent history of starting slowly, a loss could simply indicate that our offense is not up to speed with its coordinator. My sincere hope is that at some point this season the light bulb goes off and our beloved Vols find themselves again. It may not be reasonable to expect that in the first game of the season.

Well said. This is a season to get back to winning ways, perhaps even establish a new identity. Time for some fresh approaches on both sides of the ball. Need to open up the offense and use those blitz packages more on early downs for the defense.

Speaking of which, I watched some of Florida's spring game the other day on tape. The offensive line is in utter dissaray. Leak looked good, when he had time, which wasn't very often. Tebow you can just tell is a tremendous athlete. But is timing right now is poor and his inexperience shows, pure and simple.

Surprisingly, Florida's strength this year may well be on defense. Overall, with our brutal road schedule, I am picking Florida for 7 or 8 wins and minor bowl. You blitz us on 9/16, you win.
Regardless of what some here say, if you were facing the person you're calling Fulmerite, or Fulmer hater, you wouldn't do it in person unless it was done obviously in fun.

That's the point.

Why can't people show the same respect here they'd show in person.

And I'll tell you right up front, the first one who says they'd be the same in person, I say you're a liar. I don't believe we have anyone
on this board who would be as obnoxious in person as here.

That's all I'm saying.

Just because it's a message board does not give license to be hateful with one another.

It has nothing to do with Real fans or any such silliness. It has to do with common courtesy.

I agree with you to a point Old Vol, but I can tell you right here and now that I have absolutely no problem advocating my views on the Fulmer subject in person. Heck, I've spent several years advocating things that I personally disagree with in front of all sorts of people because it's my job.

Now, would I needle someone who disagrees with me and call them a Fulmerite to their face? It just depends. I'm a grown man and I don't tend to move in circles of people where I have to worry about somone trying to suckerpunch me becasue I disagree with them about who should coach a football team. On the other hand, I would not want to insult someone so it would probably depend on my level of familiarity with the conversant. On this board it is impossible, or at least very difficult, to achive that level of familiarity. Does that mean you can't push the envelope and have a little fun? Or does that mean we should all observe strict rules of social decorum in our posts? I guess either way has some validity but the simple fact for me is I want a new head coach. I will not stop talking about it until we have one. I will disagree with most anyone who says we do not need a change. And I will probably continue to use the terms "Fulmerite" and "Fulmer lover". But your point is taken and I'll see what I can do to accomodate you.
(OldVol @ May 23 said:
Regardless of what some here say, if you were facing the person you're calling Fulmerite, or Fulmer hater, you wouldn't do it in person unless it was done obviously in fun.

That's the point.

Why can't people show the same respect here they'd show in person.

And I'll tell you right up front, the first one who says they'd be the same in person, I say you're a liar. I don't believe we have anyone
on this board who would be as obnoxious in person as here.

That's all I'm saying.

Just because it's a message board does not give license to be hateful with one another.

It has nothing to do with Real fans or any such silliness. It has to do with common courtesy.
In a like manner, I've heard Peyton has been known to hit a few bars on the strip when he's in town,people buy him drinks.I'd be willing to bet everyone thats ever posted on this site would do the same!
(VolunteerHillbilly @ May 23 said:
I agree with you to a point Old Vol, but I can tell you right here and now that I have absolutely no problem advocating my views on the Fulmer subject in person. Heck, I've spent several years advocating things that I personally disagree with in front of all sorts of people because it's my job.

Now, would I needle someone who disagrees with me and call them a Fulmerite to their face? It just depends. I'm a grown man and I don't tend to move in circles of people where I have to worry about somone trying to suckerpunch me becasue I disagree with them about who should coach a football team. On the other hand, I would not want to insult someone so it would probably depend on my level of familiarity with the conversant. On this board it is impossible, or at least very difficult, to achive that level of familiarity. Does that mean you can't push the envelope and have a little fun? Or does that mean we should all observe strict rules of social decorum in our posts? I guess either way has some validity but the simple fact for me is I want a new head coach. I will not stop talking about it until we have one. I will disagree with most anyone who says we do not need a change. And I will probably continue to use the terms "Fulmerite" and "Fulmer lover". But your point is taken and I'll see what I can do to accomodate you.

Hillbilly, it's not ME.

I really like this board. So you need not worry about accommodating me, per se.

I've been on a lot of message boards and I've seen more than a few die because of a lack of civility.
That's not to say that posters who are familiar with one another can't needle each other, but it's usually obvious and done in fun.

Often, when one feels strongly about a subject, name-calling and labels tend to lead to vitriolic exchanges that usually end up turning people away from the conversation.

As you've seen, I can give as well as I take. My feeling is, when there's a serious conversation (And you can't get more serious than the subject of firing a man and taking his living) there's usually someone around who knows that person on a very personal basis, or at the very least, a fan who feels just as strongly to the contrariwise as you or any other poster feels about their opinion on this or some other manner.

It never augments the conversation to allow it to get ugly. I've seen people leave boards when they get too angry in tone. I don't think that's happening here, but it could. It adds nothing to label one person or group with an unflattering name because of the opinion they hold.

Some might not consider Fulmerite, or Fulmerhater as a pejorative, but most would not really like it depending on the tone of the conversation.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I have never felt it made me look tough to call people out by name-calling. I'd much rather argue to the death by supporting my argument with facts and well laid strategic debate tactics. And I'll do that 'til the cows come in.'

Some folks mistake kindness for weakness and that's always a mistake.

I'm not impressed with people who lay down all the tough talk, and I'm not insinuating you have nor am I trying to point a finger at anyone, I'm merely making a point.

Tough talk is most impressive when nose to nose.

People who do it here aren’t fooling anyone.
(utfantilidie @ May 23 said:
In a like manner, I've heard Peyton has been known to hit a few bars on the strip when he's in town,people buy him drinks.I'd be willing to bet everyone thats ever posted on this site would do the same!

And some would probably ask him to autograph something. But they'd be quick to tell you how they'd go up to him and tell him what they think of him here.

You guys can call me Fulmerite if you want, it doesn't bother me. :lol:

Then if we have another losing season, you can call me Negavol because I will be off the bandwagon. (or on, depending on how you look at it)

I guess maybe that may offend some people but I don't view someone calling me a name like that as an attack. Now is someone called me an ******* on the other hand, while it may be true.........

Well, amen to an interesting thread. Last year's debacle is still fresh in my mind but I prefer to look to the future. We WILL right the ship and get back to playing competitive football (notice I said competitive which leads to winning). I BELIEVE becasue I want to--GO VOLS!
(Mr. Rockytop @ May 23 said:
Moderators please bare with me and don't delete this, but every VOL fan needs to read this and rededicate themselves to UT Football.
:clapping: Wish that I was on old Rockytop
Down in the Tennessee hills.
Ain't no smoggy smoke on Rockytop
Ain't no telephone bills.

Once I had a girl on Rockytop
Half bear, the other half cat,
Wild as a mink, but sweet as soda-pop
I still dream about that.

Rockytop, you'll always be
Home sweet home to me.
Good old Rockytop,
Rockytop, Tennessee.
Rockytop, Tennessee.

Once two strangers climbed old Rockytop
Lookin' for a moonshine still.
Strangers ain't come down from Rockytop,
Reckon they never will.

Corn won't grow at all on Rockytop -
Dirt's too rocky by far.
That's why all the folks on Rockytop
Get their corn from a jar.
I've had years of cooped up city life,
Trapped like a dog in a pen.
All I know is it's a pity life
Can't be simple again. :dance2:
Now with that being song or said, you true Vols fan need to get rid of the negativity. It's almost time to put on that orange and white and go crazy! I don't give a rat's azz who we play. I am going into every game with the mindset that we are going to win ! We are a high class program but some of you all sound like you're rooting for Tennessee State and not The University of Tennessee. Snap out of it, we had a bad year :gun: last year but let's get OFF of that, its a brand new year, time to regroup, Show Up and Show Out. Last Year was Last Year so let it go ! Now will my real Vol fans stand up and be accounted for ?

/\ most intelligent man on Earth

its bout time somebody thought like me!
(utfantilidie @ May 23 said:
In a like manner, I've heard Peyton has been known to hit a few bars on the strip when he's in town,people buy him drinks.I'd be willing to bet everyone thats ever posted on this site would do the same!
That's a bet you would lose. I'm not into hypocrisy.
One man's trash .....

Freak doesn't view Fulmerite as a pejorative.

Some would.

Personally, I can put it on ya as well as ya can put it on me.

I just think it makes for a more healthy board atmosphere to do it with civility.

If potential members drive by here and we're all shooting at each other, calling each other names, and constantly taking nasty shots at the staff, they most likely will just keep on driving until they get to a more peaceful neighborhood.

Most people don't like to get shot.

The bottom line: When people resort to labels and name-calling it's a good sign they've run out of meaningful debate strategy and that's their last resort. I think that's another good reason to rethink those labels.

I also realize some of you do this in fun. Visitors don't know that though, and some might not hang around long enough to learn the difference.

Just some random thoughts from an old fart.

As you were .... :biggrin2:
(OldVol @ May 24 said:
One man's trash .....

Freak doesn't view Fulmerite as a pejorative.

Some would.

Personally, I can put it on ya as well as ya can put it on me.

I just think it makes for a more healthy board atmosphere to do it with civility.

If potential members drive by here and we're all shooting at each other, calling each other names, and constantly taking nasty shots at the staff, they most likely will just keep on driving until they get to a more peaceful neighborhood.

Most people don't like to get shot.

The bottom line: When people resort to labels and name-calling it's a good sign they've run out of meaningful debate strategy and that's their last resort. I think that's another good reason to rethink those labels.

I also realize some of you do this in fun. Visitors don't know that though, and some might not hang around long enough to learn the difference.

Just some random thoughts from an old fart.

As you were .... :biggrin2:

I see your point about labels OldVol. I just think it's funny but everyone might not take it that way. The civility part is the part we all need to be careful of.
I don't know if you can label me a Fulmerite or Fulmer hater. I consider myself a Vol and the biggest problem I have is the football team over the past several years has been brutal to watch. Football should be fun and exciting, not like having your teeth filled. The football team looks like the basketball has looked until last year. We loved them but they were hard to watch. I know we have never been a 45 passes per game team and that is ok. A good running team can be fun to watch as well (Bama under the Bear when they just ran over people). I just think we need to face the reality that CPF might have gotten complacent and caused last year. Let's see if that is the problem or if we need to make a change. I am embarrassed though for the program and hope it can be as fun to watch as the new basketball program is. :cross:

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