Cal v. UCLA

God, I hope we don't play UCLA, because they truly have the refs in their back pocket. Two freaking games in a row. UNBELIEVABLE!
Does anyone want to challenge my assertion about how much worse the PAC 10's officiating is than the rest of the country now?
too much time ran off the clock, Cal will have 1 quick shot to try and annul this reffing mess
I thought maybe I was wrong that the refs blew it in the end. Coming over here made me feel better :)
Total travesty, I feel terrible for Cal. Now I know why Hat wants nothing to do with UCLA.
The fact Ben Braun didn't chase those three imbeciles to the locker room should be reason enough for his immediate termination.
Karma better come in the form of a devastating loss for the UCLA Bruins on a controversial call.
If that had happened to SC or Arizona, Tim or Kevin would be in LAPD custody.
Uh, it's happened in consecutive games now (see Thursday night's result).

Oh, I realize that. I stayed up and watched that travesty too. I don't understand how it can happen twice in a row. And what I love is the PAC-10 commissioner defending the call on Thurs.
Freakin Lavin was sitting there dogging the no call for about 5 minutes. That's very telling.

OBTW, Anderson shoots about 90%

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