I actually am MORE worried about Forsett than Lynch. Forsett is a Barry Sanders type back (and no, nobody has said he is the NEXT Barry Sanders). He's shifty and fast, and coming in behind Lynch is more of a problem than Lynch himself.
I may be wrong but wasn't our d 32 or 37 nationaly last yearTennessee Has to get an aerial assault, yes defense wins championships but last year our defense was second in nation and offense preety freaking close to last, and we we had 6 losses. Hopefully cutcliffe can revive our offense a little, and send us back to the volunteer glory days...................2 days dang this is more exciting to me then bday xmas and any other holiday combined.....ive also been seeing alot of negativity in these blogs, a true fan always has faith...seems like one bad year and everyone gives up, fulmer LOVES TENNESSEE FOOTBALL i mean 33 years in the system either as player or coach trust me people he wants nothing more then to get us back where we belong winning sec championships and being the contender for NATIONAL championships, CAL IS GOING TO SHI* WHEN THEY COME TO KNOXVILLE AND HEAR THE CROWD.....GOOD OL ROCKY TOP, ROCKY TOP TENNESSEE
I'll have to take your word on him. I've not seen him play a down, that I remember. I did however watch a couple of games and saw Lunch (sp on purpose) and he is a very good back and does deserve hype.
Oh, don't get me wrong, Lynch is the better overall back. However, UT has almost always shown to be able to shut one player down. I predict we will use a ton of energy to shut down Marshawn Lynch. In fact, I bet Lynch has anywhere from 60-90 yards, but not 100. Forsett, though, could shred our defense. Remember, depth has been an issue for the coaches this offseason. It *seems* we don't have much of it. So, either Forsett will see action against our tired 1st team, or our fresh 2nd team (but most likely, a mixture of both). Forsett average almost a yard more than Lynch per carry in 2005.