Cam Clear

Cameron Clear will get the last laugh. He will soon be a millionaire in the NFL. I dont care how many laptops he has stolen. I wished he still played for the Vols.

I think he will be able to afford a laptop this spring. Question is, will he want to buy one or find one in the trash somewhere?
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Cameron Clear will get the last laugh. He will soon be a millionaire in the NFL. I dont care how many laptops he has stolen. I wished he still played for the Vols.
So you don't care if we have thieves on the football team, representing the university?
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Steals a laptop, dismissed from UT and still ends up in a Bowl Game. What's wrong with that picture?

Just shows our commitment to winning isn't where it needs to be yet. When we were a powerhouse we had all kinds of criminals playing for us. This should have been swept under the rug.
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Just shows our commitment to winning isn't where it needs to be yet. When we were a powerhouse we had all kinds of criminals playing for us. This should have been swept under the rug.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Too publicized. Bisillyo was bellyaching about it daily. But, I cant stand a thief
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Cameron Clear will get the last laugh. He will soon be a millionaire in the NFL. I dont care how many laptops he has stolen. I wished he still played for the Vols.

Maybe so but he was a Junior this year playing on one of the most prolific offenses in college football and had a grand total of 4 catches for 42 yards. In the regular season Cam had 2 catches for 4 yards.
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Just shows our commitment to winning isn't where it needs to be yet. When we were a powerhouse we had all kinds of criminals playing for us. This should have been swept under the rug.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

You are right about that. Look at Saban and Pettway. He was party to an aggravated assault and robbery and gets banished to JC for a year and he takes him right back and says he was always a really good person.
Assaulting someone not associated with your football team is one thing.... Stealing from your team mates and other athletes at your school is something else. Have you ever had your home repeatedly burgularized by a neighbor? Would you want that neighbor to move back next door you when he came back out of hiding? Hell no!!! So why would you want that for these kids. Our priorities are all f'd up! Its easy to say you wish he was still at UT when its not your stuff coming up missing!
Just the fact that Precious did everything possible to overlook Clear's actions sickens me and doesnt surprise me that as a coach, Precious is a failure.
Just shows our commitment to winning isn't where it needs to be yet. When we were a powerhouse we had all kinds of criminals playing for us. This should have been swept under the rug.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

No it should not have been swept under the rug.

You don't know what you don't know. CC was about to be hurt (bad) by several teammates. The stuff you didn't hear about was ALL the OTHER theft that didn't get reported. CC is truly a Kleptomaniac. He was stealing from lockers and he was stealing from Gibbs dorm rooms. He was sliding open the windows next to the door and reaching through and opening them. DLinemen figured out CC had taken wallet(s). OLinemen traced a stolen Ipad to CC's room. One LB had his wallet completely emptied by CC. When teammate(s) figured out it was CC - he dumped alot of the goods into the dorm room through the window next door to his room. But it was too late. The Ipad trace already had CC pegged. A lynch mob of teammates had already formed. The KPD saved CC's life by charging him with only the laptop stolen from the Baseball player. Coach DD saved CC's life by sending him packing. Numerous (more than a dozen) other thefts were identified and proven to be CC. These were his OWN TEAMMATES DUDE ! OUR TEAM ! The numerous thefts stopped immediately when CC was no longer on campus.

So how about stop making comments like this from now on. CC had to go. Period. Enough said on this subject can we move on please.
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