Cam Sutton to start?



Probably Being Facetious
Oct 17, 2012
Just heard CBJ on the radio say that we'll "start a true freshman at corner this season."

I'm not sure whether to be glad we have a freshman stepping up or worried that Riyahd Jones hasn't secured the position.

Either way I'm looking forward to see what he's got in 20 days!
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Tennessee Football ‏@Vol_Football 15m

JONES: Some of the frosh will have grown up early. We will start a freshman at corner. I like both young QBs. They have a lot of confidence

Seems the only logical answer to who he is talking about is Cam Sutton, especially with him being the first Freshman to earn his stripe.
Florida, UGA and Alabama start a freshman (seemingly) at DB nearly every year. Don't see we're any different if the talent is there.

I heard one DB's name from Florida so many years, it seemed like he played for Bush's entire presidency.
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Just heard CBJ on the radio say that we'll "start a true freshman at corner this season."

I'm not sure whether to be glad we have a freshman stepping up or worried that Riyahd Jones hasn't secured the position.

Either way I'm looking forward to see what he's got in 20 days!
There are still two corner spots, right? So jones might be the other.
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I really thought Jones would be a starter but I don't care as long as we got a starter that can make big plays. Way to go Cam!
I don't care if they're walk-on freshmen, if they're doing the job, start 'em...And besides, couldn't be any worse than Teague.
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