the faux collegiate gothic bs the school claims as an architectural style is straight up bs, and quiet ugly. they will all age terribly. heck some of the new dorms have fiber cement panels (Hardie) like you see on a house. and lining all the pedestrian paths with 7 story buildings doesn't make a great feel to campus, way too urban of a look.
the architecture building is great. It was designed as a teaching tool, and only stands out because the university decided to go with the faux collegiate gothic style everywhere instead of the places it made sense. it also references some of the leading architects of the time, several of the professors had worked with those architects. If you had a better style across campus that allowed for more flexibility the Architecture Building wouldn't stand out so much as an "eye sore". As I said before it stands out as a great teaching tool, you see exactly what goes into a building, and the overall form shows one of the two ways you deal with context. You can either try to blend in and not stand out, doesn't make sense for a College of Design, or you can be your own thing when the local context doesn't make sense for the purpose of your building. The main weakness of the collegiate gothic is it doesn't scale terribly well, the Architecture Building was one of the largest buildings on campus at the time, and trying to apply an already bad standard just doesn't make sense. and as I keep saying its great for the students learning to design so they don't see one, boring, standard everywhere, its just not conducive. pretty much every major architecture program building is this way, different from the rest.
most of the street scape improvements have been great imo. I am in the same place as Rhett about that statue on Pedestrian Walk, I was there too and it made no sense, "Whirlwind of Opportunity" my butt. its definitely a good thing the campus is more pedestrian friendly in general, especially on game days.
I think the brick color on campus is terrible, it isn't offensive when you see it as a whole, but if you looked at just the brick its just not a good color.