Can we be serious here for a moment I: I don't understand the tattoo fad

I suppose rule #1 would be to find a really dope artist that became a tat master. And not someone that became a tatoo artist to work on their art.
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It's not for me(be 40 next month),and I don't find it all that attractive. I've seen those(especially women)who can pull it off with a few more tats than usual,but more often than, I've noticed less is more and having something meaningful looks better.

Of course,more power to ya if that's your thing. I'm not planning on getting a whole sleeve anytime soon.
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Have you been living under a rock? This isn’t some new thing. I’m 38yrs old and I have 4 of them. I don’t regret them a bit. They’re memories. My last one was 13yrs ago. I plan on getting another one at some point of a portrait of my late sister who died 3yrs ago at 29yrs of age.

To each their own though. My husband is 34 and doesn’t have any and probably never will. He doesn’t mind mine at all. I would never get a face/neck tattoo, but I don’t judge others who have them. Their body, their choice. It doesn’t concern me so I kind my own business.
Have you been living under a rock? This isn’t some new thing. I’m 38yrs old and I have 4 of them. I don’t regret them a bit. They’re memories. My last one was 13yrs ago. I plan on getting another one at some point of a portrait of my late sister who died 3yrs ago at 29yrs of age.

To each their own though. My husband is 34 and doesn’t have any and probably never will. He doesn’t mind mine at all. I would never get a face/neck tattoo, but I don’t judge others who have them. Their body, their choice. It doesn’t concern me so I kind my own business.

He thinks you should get a cougar tatt.
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Have you been living under a rock? This isn’t some new thing. I’m 38yrs old and I have 4 of them. I don’t regret them a bit. They’re memories. My last one was 13yrs ago. I plan on getting another one at some point of a portrait of my late sister who died 3yrs ago at 29yrs of age.

To each their own though. My husband is 34 and doesn’t have any and probably never will. He doesn’t mind mine at all. I would never get a face/neck tattoo, but I don’t judge others who have them. Their body, their choice. It doesn’t concern me so I kind my own business.

This does however remind me that if I ever get anything, it will be family related. My fiancees son isn't legally mine ,but if I ever decide to adopt him someday,I'd like something signifying that and a small adoption logo would be nice. As would anything small related to family. It's been something that's crossed my mind.
I got my first tattoo a little over a year ago, at age 41. It has a story, though.
My family experienced an incredible trauma a few years ago, and it too a lot to get through it. One thing we'd do together as a family is just drive through Cade's Cove. It was one thing we could all do together that felt almost like meditation. We drove that loop about once a month while we were dealing with stuff, and the one thing we always commented on was the enormous oak tree near the end of the loop.
I was always an anti-tattoo guy, but I wanted to commemorate our progress, so I got that tree tattooed on my shoulder. It's only seen by others when I am at the pool, but my kids love it, and it feels like something special for all of us.

While some people might be getting them to be a part of a fad, there are others getting them for very special reasons. Keep that in mind before judging, please.
To each their own. I don’t get the facial and neck tatts or the awful homemade/jailhouse tatts but that’s me. I got a couple when I was in the army and another later on. I don’t regret them.
51-year-old woman here. I have one tattoo - between my shoulder blades. About the size of a silver dollar. I got it in my 40s to commemorate an achievement I was particularly proud of. It's very meaningful to me.
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Men who get neck and/or face tattoos are essentially conveying that they're ready for prison. I interpret a face tattoo as the owner saying, "f--k it, I don't give a s--t about ANYTHING anymore."

For a long time tattoos were something lower-class people got, and that's still largely the case, but they've also become trendy among
more middle class young people over the last 15 years. I find them tacky and unattractive--but others obviously like them. I don't think most of the people who get inked do so because tats enhance their attractiveness but rather for various other reasons---a macho thing, a memory thing, a defiant thing, an alienation thing. It's going to be weird seeing a bunch of inked up elderly people in 25+ years, though to be fair older people tend to dress fairly conservatively--no tank tops and shorts--and so the huge eagle wings across an old man's back won't be so visible.
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Me: professional male, 53

I have two script tattoos--one on each wrist--sort of match but not identical. Got them after turning 50. Had the images of what I wanted in my phone for 10 years deciding if I really wanted them on my body. Decided I did

They have meaning and can be covered by a dress shirt

No regrets; quite the opposite
I got my first tattoo about a year ago. My son wanted one when he turned 18 and asked if I would get one with him. We went through multiple possibilities before we settled on one that we designed together. My wife and two daughters are currently designing one that the three of them are getting.
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Wife doesn't like them, but I have a Hebrew word I'll do one day, probably on my forearm.
I came really close to getting a tattoo of Josh Heupel on my chest after we beat Alabama last year. Now, if he goes down to Tuscaloosa and beats them again, well…it’s a done deal!
There was a time when tattoos were considered rebellious because most people living in western civilization viewed the Bible as a rule book for entry into heaven and somewhere in Leviticus people are instructed not to make marks on their bodies. Nowadays tattoos are so commonplace that there is zero cache left to be had by getting inked. Nobody needs a tattoo to hold onto a memory and a tattoo won’t make an ugly person sexy. That said, it’s a free country and if it makes someone feel good to get drawn on under their skin then there’s really no reason for anyone else to give damn.
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Has anyone seen a 20/30/40 year old tattoo that still looks sharp and with the original bright colors?
I would guess that gaining/losing weight, and aging would distort and discolor a tattoo?
Has anyone seen a 20/30/40 year old tattoo that still looks sharp and with the original bright colors?
I would guess that gaining/losing weight, and aging would distort and discolor a tattoo?
I know a bunch of people get it touched up for color.
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And isn't that what it is? And aren't the people who get them, particularly young women, going to regret it later in life? People with tattoos on their faces and necks, unless they are in a prison gang, yuck. (Ok, yuck even then).

Now, perhaps I'm just too old to see the attraction (in my 40s) but I've felt this way since I was in my 40s, and it seems like its been in the last decade or so that this has become such a thing. But geez, loweez, Daddies if you don't want your little girls to grow up to be strippers, will you please put the kibosh on this fad !!

Can you imagine how these young people are going to feel about how they look in their 70s?

Gotta say I agree with you (the sky really must be falling, eh?). I dont care if people have them, I just dont really see the attraction of them unless its a military tat or some permanent experience like that. I mean I had a black roomate at UT who was in a frat and he friggen got branded. Just dont get that at all.
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And isn't that what it is? And aren't the people who get them, particularly young women, going to regret it later in life? People with tattoos on their faces and necks, unless they are in a prison gang, yuck. (Ok, yuck even then).

Now, perhaps I'm just too old to see the attraction (in my 40s) but I've felt this way since I was in my 40s, and it seems like its been in the last decade or so that this has become such a thing. But geez, loweez, Daddies if you don't want your little girls to grow up to be strippers, will you please put the kibosh on this fad !!

Can you imagine how these young people are going to feel about how they look in their 70s?
And isn't that what it is? And aren't the people who get them, particularly young women, going to regret it later in life? People with tattoos on their faces and necks, unless they are in a prison gang, yuck. (Ok, yuck even then).

Now, perhaps I'm just too old to see the attraction (in my 40s) but I've felt this way since I was in my 40s, and it seems like its been in the last decade or so that this has become such a thing. But geez, loweez, Daddies if you don't want your little girls to grow up to be strippers, will you please put the kibosh on this fad !!

Can you imagine how these young people are going to feel about how they look in their 70s?

I would say face tattoos are a fad right now. Aside from that, not really. Tattoos used to be more taboo due to more people having a much more strict traditional/conservative mindset. It just isn’t really that way anymore. I’ve been fascinated by tattooing since my teens, especially American traditional. I’m in my mid 30’s and have close to 40 tattoos now. Has nothing to do with trends or being different. I enjoy tattooing. The whole process and history of it. My wife has almost as many as I do, we’re no criminals and she’s no stripper lol.. that’s such a silly mindset to have. Idk, you don’t understand tattoos and I don’t understand equating having tattoos to being a stripper, regrets later in life, etc.
that’s just nonsense.
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