Can We Recruit A Coach?

I have volunteered my services to coach Filmer and coach Caldwell on a couple of occasions, lol.. I told them that I was a package deal with Gerald Jones... I think only being 23 kind of hurt my chances, hopefully they will hook me up with a GA job.. Man that would kick ass...
It sure seems like Alabama is recruiting Saban the way they pursue any other recruit...throw money at them.
there are alot of coaches out there that can go 9-4 at UT for alot less money! Take your pick!
I think Coaches are starting to put more importance on the quality of life and not so much about the money. Yes it is nice to get a nice salary but if you can't enjoy it because of all the uneducated (football wise) fools that are out there willing to tell you how much of an idiot you are and how you can't Coach and/or recruit then why submit yourself to that when for a little less you can keep your sanity and enjoy the success that got you the attention in the first place. Sorry, I needed to vent.
I think Coaches are starting to put more importance on the quality of life and not so much about the money. Yes it is nice to get a nice salary but if you can't enjoy it because of all the uneducated (football wise) fools that are out there willing to tell you how much of an idiot you are and how you can't Coach and/or recruit then why submit yourself to that when for a little less you can keep your sanity and enjoy the success that got you the attention in the first place. Sorry, I needed to vent.
Very good point. I think that this may be the problem that Bama is running into now.
there are alot of coaches out there that can go 9-4 at UT for alot less money! Take your pick!
I agree with this.I'm not sure what will happen if anything,all I do know is UT Football would attract coaches on it's own.
When the Penn State cat was running down our throats and we didnt have an answer...well, I just think Tennessee needs some new blood in the coaching department. We've grown stale and when Fulmer had a chance he hires Cut, same old same old. I think Fulmer was scared to hire somebody up and coming because of the way he replaced majors, he could see the same thing happening to him.
When the Penn State cat was running down our throats and we didnt have an answer...well, I just think Tennessee needs some new blood in the coaching department. We've grown stale and when Fulmer had a chance he hires Cut, same old same old. I think Fulmer was scared to hire somebody up and coming because of the way he replaced majors, he could see the same thing happening to him.

I disagree. I believe he hired Cut because he was the absolute best offensive coordinator available. Do you not think so? Forget about any ties to UT, was he the best offensive coordinator/QB coach available?
I disagree. I believe he hired Cut because he was the absolute best offensive coordinator available. Do you not think so? Forget about any ties to UT, was he the best offensive coordinator/QB coach available?
Maybe? but did he even look elsewhere? I think the situation dictated Cut's second term. Quick fix. Long term is what scares me.
I disagree. I believe he hired Cut because he was the absolute best offensive coordinator available. Do you not think so? Forget about any ties to UT, was he the best offensive coordinator/QB coach available?

Have to disagree with you here. Cutcliffe is a great QB coach, but he is not a great offensive coordinator. An offensive coordinator with fresh ideas and a new system is needed right now.
The points we scored when our offense was clicking this season was amazing considering our OL was horrible and we had no running game. Those points were a result of great play calling.
The points we scored when our offense was clicking this season was amazing considering our OL was horrible and we had no running game. Those points were a result of great play calling.

until other teams figured out just how simple our offense was and could easily defend it.
With the facts that UM not only is on a great run in Florida and he has total recruiting superiorty within the state, Alabama has a proven SEC coach now and out from under the NCAA, that and Tennessee has'nt exactly been owning the SEC or the BCS since the NT game....I wonder how hard it would be to get a top coach to take over the reins, should CPF vacate for whatever reason. I can't imagine a to do list like that would come cheap.
until other teams figured out just how simple our offense was and could easily defend it.

Exactly. If we scored 6 points every time we completed a pass on the sidelines, we would average 200 points a game. The dink and dunk stuff isn't hard to stop. Cal made it look superb by missing all of the tackles. We need to use Cottam across the MIDDLE OF THE FIELD. What is he, like 9 ft tall? Screen left, screen right, yawn. In the cover 2 PSU was playing, there were holes in the middle of the field all day, either in front of or behind the LB's. That is elementary football that any of us that ever played know. Cutcliffe made a world of difference this year over Sanders, and it came down to practice. RS let them practice sloppily, and it carried over to the field. That's the first thing Cut said, was how he couldn't believe the sloppy practice habits. It's a shame that a new OC has to come in and instill discipline.

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