Can you ID the man in the picture?

Def not DD. Doesn't have those stupid orange pants on with brown shoes.

Geez, I'm so glad that Doofus is gone!
His name is The Ron Mexico and you best recognize....and that's not him...
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Look at the man behind the police officer following coach Jones. The one in the khaki colored suit and orange and blue tie and tell me who he looks like. When I enlarge the pic on my iPad it looks like coach DD. Do you agree or disagree? (Can't wait for all the smartazz remarks-wait not on VN couldn't be)

No, that's just some guy carrying a briefcase like it contains the secret missile launch codes. :)

He's in the Vol Walk video at 27secs.
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Coug, thanks for the great video. I hadn't seen it. If I had I could have saved myself some embarrassment. LOL
Look at the man behind the police officer following coach Jones. The one in the khaki colored suit and orange and blue tie and tell me who he looks like. When I enlarge the pic on my iPad it looks like coach DD. Do you agree or disagree? (Can't wait for all the smartazz remarks-wait not on VN couldn't be)

You know there is therapy for this kind of thing. It's like losing that girlfriend you never really had. :ermm:


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You know there is therapy for this kind of thing. It's like losing that girlfriend you never really had. :ermm:



When I feel a need for therapy, I just open up VN and I realize I'm not the one in need of it. LOL. (Just kidding)
Rick, thought you might want to read about him at Cowboys website to sure make he is really gone.

Dallas Cowboys: Derek Dooley

Understand he imported special fabric from London to have new blue slacks made. LOL
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It's Dooley, his therapist made him come back to face his fears, Vol fans screaming for his head. It's like going back in the ocean after a shark bite.
Look at the man behind the police officer following coach Jones. The one in the khaki colored suit and orange and blue tie and tell me who he looks like. When I enlarge the pic on my iPad it looks like coach DD. Do you agree or disagree? (Can't wait for all the smartazz remarks-wait not on VN couldn't be)

It does look like him! Yikes!!
Speaking of Dooley, when I was leaving Neyland Stadium last night some guy was chanting "IT'S GREAT... TO BE...DOOLEY FREE!"
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