Cancel Culture vs Russia

The 4th of July wouldn't be complete without the 1812 Overture...
Cancel culture is stupid.

Funny thing is, history shows each time an invading/colonizing European nation conquered a country, that country's culture was cancelled. Or severely contaminated. So, I don't know, maybe the cancel culture folks have learned from the best teachers of the movement. I say that despite the fact I agree that cancelling a culture is stupid.
So just countries can be canceled ?

Asking cause I don't remember much of this type of activity post September 11, 2001.
Funny thing is, history shows each time an invading/colonizing European nation conquered a country, that country's culture was cancelled. Or severely contaminated. So, I don't know, maybe the cancel culture folks have learned from the best teachers of the movement. I say that despite the fact I agree that cancelling a culture is stupid.
Because western culture was actually superior over savage cultures
A Russian gymnast faces disciplinary action for wearing a 'Z' symbol on a podium

Yeah, it is really insane making Russians pay for the actions of an idiot. Sound like Americans when dealing with the sodomite groups and Harriss.
The French army was pretty stout in the beginning of WWI based on what I've read. My understanding is that things would have gone a lot differently if the French had not been a fairly exceptional force... but I could be wrong, it's been a long time since I've read anything about that war.
My understanding is that they had exceptional morale and man power, but were tactically, strategically and logistically behind the Germans. I don’t think they would have survived WW1 without Britain (keep in mind the Germans had routed them half a century earlier in the Franco Prussian war)
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My understanding is that they had exceptional morale and man power, but were tactically, strategically and logistically behind the Germans. I don’t think they would have survived WW1 without Britain (keep in mind the Germans had routed them half a century earlier in the Franco Prussian war)
I don't think there was any way they could have won the war without Britain, however their reputation as a historically weak force isn't necessarily accurate.
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However, a couple of days later after the wind died down and the flag slumped on the pole, it looked a bit too Russian for the liking of members of the Ukrainian National Guard.

They asked if the embassy could “temporarily remove the Slovenian flag because it is too similar to the Russian one,” and it was duly removed.

When in a war with a country that is actively raising it's flags over conquered territory's- one may see the validity by the UNG as having a problem distinguishing a slumped flag that is nearly identical to that of the invading orcs.

If you and zerhohedge would get their faces out of putin's crotch and apply (even a little) common sense - you'd stop looking so whiney.

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