Cancel Dr. Seuss

The irony is that the GOP is doing everything in their power to cancel people from voting. They distract their gullible supporters with the Dr. Suess nonsense while implementing anti-American policies because they know they can't win elections fair and square.
Before I post a meme in response, I'll ask you why you think identification to vote is a problem?

Third world countries require it. And fingerprints with ink. And traced ballots.
Before I post a meme in response, I'll ask you why you think identification to vote is a problem?

Third world countries require it. And fingerprints with ink. And traced ballots.
You can post all the childish memes you want and none of them will change the fact that the GOP knows they lose elections when more people vote. What they should do is come up with policies that voters can get behind instead of whining about Dr. Suess.
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You can post all the childish memes you want and none of them will change the fact that the GOP knows they lose elections when more people vote. What they should do is come up with policies that voters can get behind instead whining about Dr. Suess.
So rather than answer my question you call me names.

Oh boy, another robot for the list.
Before I post a meme in response, I'll ask you why you think identification to vote is a problem?

Third world countries require it. And fingerprints with ink. And traced ballots.
It's mind blowing when the left wants you to show I.D. for everything but that. You have to show I.D. to buy alcohol, tobacco, firearms, automobiles, you have to have a legal I.D. to drive said automobile, open banking accounts, I've even had to show I.D. to buy a Rated R Blu-ray and I'm probably missing a hundred other things!

So why shouldn't an American citizen have to show proof they are who they say they are during the process of electing their city, county, state and national leaders?
Fox is still on this.

The point they keep missing, is that this wasn't an example of a third party, such as a publishing company, caving in to public pressure from the liberal media. The decision to cease 6 of Dr. Seuss's books from future sales and publishing was made by executors of Theodor Seuss Geisel's estate (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss Enterprises, which was founded by Geisel's family). Unlike what happens in China, this wasn't the government banning books, and it also wasn't done by someone who isn't familiar with, or who doesn't appreciate Dr. Seuss's works. Dr. Seuss Enterprises took this initiative on their own for reasons which they explained:

"Dr. Seuss Enterprises listened and took feedback from our audiences including teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process. We then worked with a panel of experts, including educators, to review our catalog of titles." - a statement released by Dr. Seuss Enterprises on March 3, 2021

I can't believe this has been talked about among conservatives for over a month now as a sign that the apocalypse is upon us. Those 6 books were not even close to being among his most popular works. If you want to buy your kid or grandkid "The Cat in the Hat", "Green Eggs and Ham", "The Lorax", "Horton Hears a Who!" or "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"? You still can. Get a grip. I doubt many people had even heard of those other 6 damn books before this latest whine festival from conservatives started. Those 6 books at the heart of this controversy are some obscure titles. Jesus Christ.
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So rather than answer my question you call me names.

Oh boy, another robot for the list.

Instead of addressing his point did you just accuse him of using an ad hom because he implied memes were childish?

That's some M̷͉̻͔̰̝̬͋̈A̷͍͚̲̖͇͈̣̔̍̎͐͝T̸͉̳̉̈́̆̓̈́́̍Ŕ̴͈̤̰̹̩̆Į̸̛̥̜̯̍͗͠X̴̡͉̽̃͊̕ level bullet dodging right there.
It's mind blowing when the left wants you to show I.D. for everything but that. You have to show I.D. to buy alcohol, tobacco, firearms, automobiles, you have to have a legal I.D. to drive said automobile, open banking accounts, I've even had to show I.D. to buy a Rated R Blu-ray and I'm probably missing a hundred other things!

So why shouldn't an American citizen have to show proof they are who they say they are during the process of electing their city, county, state and national leaders?
It's mind-blowing that they won't even realize the US has put on elections with those requirements (Iraq), the State Department has listed identification and in-person voting as necessary for secure elections, and countries all over the world (India, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Japan almost all of Europe, and on and on) have strict and sensible requirements around elections and none of these braindead zealots call those racist.
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The point they keep missing, is that this wasn't an example of a third party, such as a publishing company, caving in to public pressure from the liberal media. The decision to cease 6 of Dr. Seuss's books from future sales and publishing was made by executors of Theodor Seuss Geisel's estate (a.k.a. Dr. Seuss Enterprises, which was founded by Geisel's family). Unlike what happens in China, this wasn't the government banning books, and it also wasn't done by someone who isn't familiar with, or who doesn't appreciate Dr. Seuss's works. Dr. Seuss Enterprises took this initiative on their own for reasons which they explained:

"Dr. Seuss Enterprises listened and took feedback from our audiences including teachers, academics and specialists in the field as part of our review process. We then worked with a panel of experts, including educators, to review our catalog of titles." - a statement released by Dr. Seuss Enterprises on March 3, 2021

I can't believe this has been talked about among conservatives for over a month now as a sign that the apocalypse is upon us. Those 6 books were not even close to being among his most popular works. If you want to buy your kid or grandkid "The Cat in the Hat", "Green Eggs and Ham", "The Lorax", "Horton Hears a Who!" or "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"? You still can. Get a grip. I doubt many people had even heard of those other 6 damn books before this latest whine festival from conservatives started. Those 6 books at the heart of this controversy are some obscure titles. Jesus Christ.

I think the broader point that you miss is the fact that e even have to go back and pull these books off the shelves in the first place. These are innocent books being pulled off the shelves by the family of the author, not the author himself.
So rather than answer my question you call me names.

Oh boy, another robot for the list.

You should be able to vote without an ID because in-person voter fraud is a myth perpetrated by the GOP. Nice self-own robot. You are in search of a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
You should be able to vote without an ID because in-person voter fraud is a myth perpetrated by the GOP. Nice self-own robot. You are in search of a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
You haven't answered the question. Answer.

What is it with you people? I'm going to assume you think poor and ethnic people are too stupid to get IDs, as well. Racists and classists all around.
You should be able to vote without an ID because in-person voter fraud is a myth perpetrated by the GOP. Nice self-own robot. You are in search of a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
Why does a man in his 60's need to show an ID to order a beer in a restaurant to prove he is older than 21, but doesn't need to prove who he is to vote?
Why does a man in his 60's need to show an ID to order a beer in a restaurant to prove he is older than 21, but doesn't need to prove who he is to vote?
The better question is why is identification of some form considered important and acceptable by most other countries in elections but considered 'racist' here? Why can almost every poor country in South America, and big messes like India, and Iraq, enforce identification and election protection and we can't? Why can almost every European nation require ID to vote and not be called racist? These people on the left need to be consistent, and I expect the Ribs guy (with a peace sign as his picture, weird) to come in here and condemn identification laws around the world for consistency.

It's no wonder many minorities think this is a racist country- posters like Point Guard and this Ribs weirdo undoubtedly believe because of the skin tone of minorities they are less capable of basic human life.
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The better question is why is identification of some form considered important and acceptable by most other countries in elections but considered 'racist' here? Why can almost every poor country in South America, and big messes like India, and Iraq, enforce identification and election protection and we can't? Why can almost every European nation require ID to vote and not be called racist? These people on the left need to be consistent, and I expect the Ribs guy (with a peace sign as his picture, weird) to come in here and condemn identification laws around the world for consistency.

It's no wonder many minorities think this is a racist country- posters like Point Guard and this Ribs weirdo undoubtedly believe because of the skin tone of minorities they are less capable of basic human life.

I believe in America and I hope for Peace - which of those two concepts do you find so weird?

I'm really not sure why you keep making the leap to racism. It's very telling though, and not in a good way.
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I believe in America and I hope for Peace - which of those two concepts do you find so weird?

I'm really not sure why you can making the leap to racism. It's very telling though, and not in a good way.
Because I watched another poster in another thread make the same point, and because I'm forced to make what is truthfully a default assumption since once again you've failed to provide any explanation, reason, or detail on why requiring identification to vote is an issue. You're welcome to try to entrap me as a racist, but I'm not the one arguing against sensible election protection for unknown (?), likely actual racist reasons. The table won't turn because you're already exposed.

To make matters worse you're literally replaceable with any of the posters of your particular mental deficiency on this board, which is quite sad. Be a little unique.

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