Caption this photo - Butch, Muschamp, Spurrier

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Spurrier: dang I need a drink (flask in pocket)

Muschamp: you think Mac brown will hire me back

CBJ to himself: these are the guys CDD was losing to, I got this in the bag!!!
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Muschamp--Dahhuhhh my mommy said I have a wallet....I can drive a car...did your mommy pack your clothes in a trash bag like mine did?

Spurrier--Can anyone tell me what color this coat is? Everything looks gray at my age....fffaaaarrrrrrrtttttt!!!!!! Hey nurse I think I pooped my pants again....come change my diaper again dag nabbit!!!!

Jones--Seriously? This is my competition....a wrinkled up retard and a geriatric that poops his diaper? Wow what type of loser was Dooley if he could never beat these 2old idiots?
Butch walks up to Spurrier and Muschamp and says, "y'all think we're doing good in recruiting right now just wait until this Foundation Week we're doing next week."
Spurrier says, "f*** this, I don't wanna hear it. I'm out."
Butch then looks at Muschamp and asks him, "your dumbass didn't really think you were getting Dillon Bates did you?" Then Butch stands there for a few seconds with a grin on his face while Muschamp is stuttering trying to think of an answer and then just walks away shaking his head.


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spurrier: "where am i and why won't this glass fit into this pocket."

butch: "how long are we suppose baby-sit the old guy?" i thought franklin and stoops were suppose to take over after lunch?

Muschamp: Well i am not going to feed him again.
best one yet
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Joe Theissman, standing awkwardly off to the side: "Looks like these three head coaches are having a really interesting conversation. Wait a minute...where's Coach Spurrier going? You know what? I think he's headed to the bathroom!"

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