Car mileage tax looming?

It's only a "pilot program" to study a "Mileage Tax" and it is to replace the current gas tax. It's ONLY a $10MM study that we get to fund to see how we get screwed in the future. I want to know who the hell volunteers for this study as has been suggested in the article. They better have some run flat tires.
Mileage tax study, not actual mileage tax, proposed in infrastructure bill
For or against?

Will cost me about $4000 a year @ .08 cents a mile
You seriously think anyone is for this kind of thing?

Let's ask Zep about that silly Boot edge edge guy though.... you know... the one that he keeps saying is against this kind of thing....


Seriously though... what's to study? It's a tax. Leftist politicians love it.
This wouldn't affect me as bad right now because I am currently teleworking, but a couple years ago when I was putting 50,000 miles/year on my truck going to jobsites, this would have been killer.

This is going to put a hurting on the average joe/jill who goes to work every day. The left supposedly hates regressive taxes...well this is a regressive tax like none other.
Anybody that thinks this is a good idea is a moron. I don’t see any mention of repealing the already excessive gasoline tax so hell no.

Well I guess we see how the idiot in chief intends to create that electric vehicle charging nationwide network! I’ll guess the moron will claim this costs zero money and doesn’t tax anybody making less than $400k either! Lying POS bastards.
Anybody that thinks this is a good idea is a moron. I don’t see any mention of repealing the already excessive gasoline tax so hell no.

Well I guess we see how the idiot in chief intends to create that electric vehicle charging nationwide network! I’ll guess the moron will claim this costs zero money and doesn’t tax anybody making less than $400k either! Lying POS bastards.

I could stomach it IF federal and state fuel taxes were repealed and no GPS tracking is required. But none of that will happen so piss on them.

Let's all face it, it's coming especially since the feds are pushing electric vehicles down our throats. They gotta get their money somehow.
We should consider our electric bills are already taxed. Charging a car already pays tax. At best, the tax paid to charge a vehicle should be diverted to offset wear and tear on roads.
Would cost me over 2K a year at least. I very seriously doubt this would ever fly, and if it did it would end quickly after the Dems get slaughtered at the polls.

It wouldn't fly and here's the main reason why:

That's never going to pass legal muster.
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The best way to track this would include the ability to track your location, so it's a hell no from me.

But the abject hatred of all taxation that keeps popping up makes me scratch my head. How do we expect anything to get done? Civilizations have tried for thousands of years and come to the same conclusion. Until we evolve to a Star Trek style moneyless society, we're stuck with the bickering.
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The best way to track this would include the ability to track your location, so it's a hell no from me.

But the abject hatred of all taxation that keeps popping up makes me scratch my head. How do we expect anything to get done? Civilizations have tried for thousands of years and come to the same conclusion. Until we evolve to a Star Trek style moneyless society, we're stuck with the bickering.
Or just track mileage. Used to track every trip when I had a company car

We have a spending problem not a revenue problem. Why be in favor of taxation when we watch the govt waste trillions each year? We watch them essentially launder tax dollars back into their own pockets. Do what is constitutionally mandated and leave the rest alone. Plenty would still get done and people would have more of their earned money in their pocket

Life without excess govt is possible

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