Car mileage tax looming?

No worries, the roads will pay for themselves.
We are on track to spend 9 to 10 T this year (federal, state, local, and total US government spending).

$10,000,000,000,000 dollars. Light travels 5.8T miles in a year. If dollars were miles, light would take almost 2 years to span our spending for 1 year.

$33,000 for every person in America.
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"Anybody making less than $400,00 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes, and we will not increase the deficit either, unlike the last gigantic tax cut, which increased the deficit by $2 trillion."

Joe Biden
"Anybody making less than $400,00 a year will not pay a single penny in taxes, and we will not increase the deficit either, unlike the last gigantic tax cut, which increased the deficit by $2 trillion."

Joe Biden
Just wait till the other folks discussing liars in another thread see this.
The best way to track this would include the ability to track your location, so it's a hell no from me.

But the abject hatred of all taxation that keeps popping up makes me scratch my head. How do we expect anything to get done? Civilizations have tried for thousands of years and come to the same conclusion. Until we evolve to a Star Trek style moneyless society, we're stuck with the bickering.
Cut spending
Then you add in how this affects the trucking business. They get hit with more tax, so shipping prices sky rocket, which causes common goods to also sky rocket. Oh great, more taxes and more inflation.
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Then you add in how this affects the trucking business. They get hit with more tax, so shipping prices sky rocket, which causes common goods to also sky rocket. Oh great, more taxes and more inflation.
But according to WH press secretary that shouldn't be passed on to consumers. Shipping companies just pay higher costs to transport goods and eat the extra cost. right?
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That’s not in our governments vocabulary. Liberals, many in this board, trashed Trump for sending. And he did spend recklessly o doubt. But now they want to think it’s just fine to spend like a drunken sailor. Hypocrites.
Drunken sailors are extremely frugal and far more efficient by comparison.
I have not raised my prices at my accounts in several years. And I have not billed them for shipping ever. That will change if this passes.
The best way to track this would include the ability to track your location, so it's a hell no from me.

But the abject hatred of all taxation that keeps popping up makes me scratch my head. How do we expect anything to get done? Civilizations have tried for thousands of years and come to the same conclusion. Until we evolve to a Star Trek style moneyless society, we're stuck with the bickering.
Shrink the government. Problem solved.
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At a time when transportation costs are already high are we seriously going to drive them higher?

There comes a time when government must be checked for their lunacy. That time has come, past due IMO.
Aw Shaddap.

Mean tweet guy is gone. That's all that matters. The rich are going to pay for everything anyway, isn't that what King Joe said?
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We are on track to spend 9 to 10 T this year (federal, state, local, and total US government spending).

$10,000,000,000,000 dollars. Light travels 5.8T miles in a year. If dollars were miles, light would take almost 2 years to span our spending for 1 year.

$33,000 for every person in America.
I highly recommend a book called 'Innumeracy' written in the 80s I believe by the author John Allan Paulos (not the pope). He uses time to explain the difference between a million and a billion. (1 million seconds is 11 days, 1 billion is 33 years). I LOVE your analogy.... I'm stealing it.
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That’s not in our governments vocabulary. Liberals, many in this board, trashed Trump for sending. And he did spend recklessly o doubt. But now they want to think it’s just fine to spend like a drunken sailor. Hypocrites.
And many on the right defended it while now trashing Biden. However there were a few who said both were trash...
I have not raised my prices at my accounts in several years. And I have not billed them for shipping ever. That will change if this passes.

I don’t see how you have avoided it this year.
Just be transparent and slap on the tax at the time a vehicle or alternative transportation like a bike or motorcycle or skateboard is purchased. If it is expected to last 100k miles, just slap a 100k x $0.08 = $8,000 tax and be done with it. That would go over very well indeed.

Any Canadians should be charged an $800 infrastructure tax every time they drive into the USA since they are using the roads and they usually drive all the way to FL or AZ or TX.
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Just be transparent and slap on the tax at the time a vehicle or alternative transportation like a bike or motorcycle or skateboard is purchased. If it is expected to last 100k miles, just slap a 100k x $0.08 = $8,000 tax and be done with it. That would go over very well indeed.

Any Canadians should be charged an $800 infrastructure tax every time they drive into the USA since they are using the roads and they usually drive all the way to FL or AZ or TX.

Better solution, shut down the northern border and keep the Canadians out.

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