Cartel taking on the Mexican military.

Ill take " things that never happen in the US" for 500, Alex...

It always blows my mind to see cartels go to battle with these military forces, and behead a half dozen cops etc...if I know 1 thing about the US government its that they will stack bodies if you start killing their employees or messing up their endless cash flow.

My daughter was 11 or 12 back when the liberal gutless morons allowed gangs of teenagers and deadbeats to riot, burn, steal, murder, and destroy several major cities in the north and west (read: Dimwit areas)....seeing that garbage on video, she asked me why that didnt happen down here in the south?? I said " because down here, cops actually kill people . We dont put up with ridiculous crap like that in the South." The truth is, at least here in Charlotte which has actually elected a Dimwit for Mayor at least 20 years straight, and has a black Dimwit chief of police; on the VERY first night of unrest a few thugs busted some windows downtown in businesses and a couple cops were assaulted while doing their jobs putting an end to the BS....the very next day, the mayor and chief held a noon press conference on every networks local affiliate..took less than 5 minutes. The chief said " last night a couple of my officers were injured by these crowds...make no MISTAKE... ANY violence toward people or property will be swiftly met with equal or GREATER FORCE." emphasis was his....even the dumbest morons here knew what he really said " try that BS again and we are stacking bodies. Period." There are lawsuits here every single year against CMPD by some dead drug dealers mama...because he reached for a gun, pointed it at an officer, or tried to shoot an officer. They dont play that BS. They will absolutely shoot 1st. It blows my mind to see these cartel thugs putting hundreds of rounds down range towards cops etc... that is surely just "suicide by cop" here in the US. I hate how bloated, inefficient, and bureaucratic our government is....but i am thankful that citizens here do not have to live in fear of druglords and thugs devoid of morals in our day to day lives.
What we ought to do is establish military bases in Mexico, weed out and destroy the cartels and then pump in billions on rebuilding and a new and improved “Just say NO to drugs!” campaign. That way we can get rid of the wall/fences/moats/land mines/alligators and border agents and quit throwing money down the drain.
Someone enlighten me, but where was the Mexican military? I saw some cops standing behind their car doors and heard gunfire, but I didn't see any military.
No they would just shift. Just like legalized alcohol didnt put the mafia out of biz. Plenty of crimes to go around.

The mafia has been virtually dead since the early 90s. Take away the cartels main cash cow and they will crumble.
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