Cartel taking on the Mexican military.

Instead of worthless billions to Ukraine, maybe help the Mex military with destroying the cartels. Nah, can’t do that it’s too easy. It’s like our govt is with the cartels.
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These videos coming out are nuts.

Oh my DAMN!!!

Who had the minigun (gatlin style) and who had the aircraft?!? We need to get some Predator drones in the hands of Mexican Army/AF...they are outdated now anyway and we have newer versions etc. Missile strikes from standoff range cancel Christmas for cartels.

Also...i cannot BELIEVE how many rounds that plane took before going down!!! That wasnt an A10....good GRIEF....the balls on that pilot need a wheelbarrow for him lining up for a second pass with swisscheeze for an airplane!!! Wow man just wow...oh, and the obligatory BRRRRRT
Oh my DAMN!!!

Who had the minigun (gatlin style) and who had the aircraft?!? We need to get some Predator drones in the hands of Mexican Army/AF...they are outdated now anyway and we have newer versions etc. Missile strikes from standoff range cancel Christmas for cartels.

Also...i cannot BELIEVE how many rounds that plane took before going down!!! That wasnt an A10....good GRIEF....the balls on that pilot need a wheelbarrow for him lining up for a second pass with swisscheeze for an airplane!!! Wow man just wow...oh, and the obligatory BRRRRRT
I'm pretty sure that was a game you could play on an X-Box not real life.
I'm pretty sure that was a game you could play on an X-Box not real life.

Yep it is...i watched other twitter videos though that are insane. Cartel members with .50cals shooting holes in military aircraft before they can get to altitude from
surrounding neighborhoods... among other things. Good grief man...and you liberal freaking poons and this worthless administration have opened up our southern border to enrich these azzholes (and the Dimwits ofc) as well as just letting narcos by the thousands just walk into this country.

Feck each and every one of you that is against securing our border down south...for what it will do to this country my kids and grandkids will inherit. You voted for the Open Borders Party...YOU and your ilk try to paint ANY level headed and logical person who criticizes that insanity as a RACIST rather than someone who simply wants the existing laws of immigration enforced that literally EVERY other 1st world country already enforces (other than the EU, which is their downfall, thus Brexit) You all are complicit. You voted for this BS and the folks who plainly told you that this garbage is what they would enact...YOU are responsible for the dumpster fire that ensues.

This country was already becoming a sheithole in all the largest cities up north and out west due to liberal leadership....those of you which voted in the most ineffective and embarrassing POTUS this country has ever had are culpable for greatly speeding up our decline and burying us even further in debt. 3 million more illegal immigrants per year minimum are squarely on your hands.
I'm pretty sure that was a game you could play on an X-Box not real life.

Why would the guy have been pumping out flares when he was being tracked by a gun and not heat seeking missiles - doesn't seem to make sense to needlessly illuminate your position.
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The DEA would probably cease to exist without Mexican cartels.

The DEA would probably just transfer them to desks or something similar. Federal bureaucracies never get smaller or go away. They don't even just fade away when no longer needed. Look at the overlap of "intelligence" agencies. They didn't get rid of them, they created a whole new organization above to "direct and coordinate" them. DC is genius in how to grow even when the mission goes away.
Btw...i still only know 2 or 3 humans that will actually admit that they voted for this moron in chief. in since he was allegedly elected, i know of a couple people who will say in plain English " I voted for Biden." Obviously i do not live in a reality like the VN politics forum where 90% of the people hate Biden and his policies...allegedly anyway..
I live in Charlotte NC, a city of over 1 million people that is 40% black and has elected a Dimwit mayor for more than 20 years straight. Know how many Biden bumper stickers i have seen? Also 3 or a city of over a million people where i commute 45 minutes each way to work everyday...

Why do yall think that is? Well, obviously this clown is an embarrassment to anyone with a rational mind...but supposedly, more people voted for this clown than Trump. Usually people who put forth the effort to actually vote are NOT shy about letting folks know whom they voted for, right??

So why is it that those simply do not exist in reality? Between work, church, kids school, etc i interact with hundreds of people per week not related to us. Why or how is it possible that maybe 1% of those alleged majority that voted for and allegedly support both Biden and his garbage policies....actually admit that they (allegedly) did or do now support him?

Have yall ever seen anything like this? I am 45 years old. Been around for a while...i have never, ever seen this before. People actually admitted they voted for Obama and his failures. Obama HAS to be ecstatic just like Carter that their boy Biden came in and bailed them out as being remembered as the worst US presidents ever elected . Pedo Joe and his Pedo Son win that title in a landslide...but where are all these supposed Biden voters?

The Dimwits have created a new term for anyone who questions the obvious BS status quo...labeled them "election deniers" much like their predecessors came up with "conspiracy theorists" after they killed a US president in JFK...but name calling didnt change the facts back then, nor does it now..

I am anxious to hear what you folks think..and if you have similar experiences to mine?
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These videos coming out are nuts.

That’s an A-10. Pretty sure the Mexican AF doesn’t have any A-10s. They have some older, light attack aircraft, but spend little on their AF inventory. I’ve seen that video and believe it’s off a video game graphic.
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Btw...i still only know 2 or 3 humans that will actually admit that they voted for this moron in chief. in since he was allegedly elected, i know of a couple people who will say in plain English " I voted for Biden." Obviously i do not live in a reality like the VN politics forum where 90% of the people hate Biden and his policies...allegedly anyway..
I live in Charlotte NC, a city of over 1 million people that is 40% black and has elected a Dimwit mayor for more than 20 years straight. Know how many Biden bumper stickers i have seen? Also 3 or a city of over a million people where i commute 45 minutes each way to work everyday...

Why do yall think that is? Well, obviously this clown is an embarrassment to anyone with a rational mind...but supposedly, more people voted for this clown than Trump. Usually people who put forth the effort to actually vote are NOT shy about letting folks know whom they voted for, right??

So why is it that those simply do not exist in reality? Between work, church, kids school, etc i interact with hundreds of people per week not related to us. Why or how is it possible that maybe 1% of those alleged majority that voted for and allegedly support both Biden and his garbage policies....actually admit that they (allegedly) did or do now support him?

Have yall ever seen anything like this? I am 45 years old. Been around for a while...i have never, ever seen this before. People actually admitted they voted for Obama and his failures. Obama HAS to be ecstatic just like Carter that their boy Biden came in and bailed them out as being remembered as the worst US presidents ever elected . Pedo Joe and his Pedo Son win that title in a landslide...but where are all these supposed Biden voters?

The Dimwits have created a new term for anyone who questions the obvious BS status quo...labeled them "election deniers" much like their predecessors came up with "conspiracy theorists" after they killed a US president in JFK...but name calling didnt change the facts back then, nor does it now..

I am anxious to hear what you folks think..and if you have similar experiences to mine?
You got problems man
Anybody else notice the woman covered from head to toe in black (like in an Islamic country) wanting to cross the street between tanks? Makes you really wonder how reliable a lot of this stuff really is.
That's definitely true. I didn't take the videos so can't be sure 100%. You can look at the replies and tell usually. I do that sometimes. Sometimes I don't. Fact check if it's important.
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