First&Tenn, Live RPI (be sure & click "with Conf Tourneys") and Jerry Palm of CBS have Colorado 10-8 against the top 100, so I don't know where that CBS guy got his numbers. I don't think Colorado is better than us, though. Anti-SEC year in the media. Maybe we do suck as a conference but they're over doing it some.
Using Palm's site, we are 4-7 away, 2-1 neutral & they are 5-7 & 4 & 0. I don't think that's updated for our 1-0 neutral in Nashville or their 1-1 in Las Vegas.
Colorado Buffaloes RPI Breakdown - NCAA Basketball RPI Breakdown - (in nitty gritty section of his site)
You might want to check my numbers though. I'm sick & in space cadet mode.
Using Palm's site, we are 4-7 away, 2-1 neutral & they are 5-7 & 4 & 0. I don't think that's updated for our 1-0 neutral in Nashville or their 1-1 in Las Vegas.
Colorado Buffaloes RPI Breakdown - NCAA Basketball RPI Breakdown - (in nitty gritty section of his site)
You might want to check my numbers though. I'm sick & in space cadet mode.
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