CBS's 'The Good Fight' finale which has character accuse DeSantis of being sex offender



I see that pretty girl swag.
Dec 2, 2017
From OP's article:

Others pointed out that the clip circulating online was largely taken out of context and failed to show the character's confession to lying about it for political purposes.

"Stop sharing that DeSantis TV show clip thing," podcaster Noam Blum wrote. "The whole point of the episode is that the guy is lying and DeSantis didn't do anything."

"This isn't what it sounds like," Washington Examiner columnist T. Becket Adams agreed. "If you know the show, you know the "accuser" is a reoccurring character best described as a ratf-cker. He’s lying here, and the lawyers bust him. Show doesn’t actually accuse DeSantis of assault.please do not ask me how i know any of this."

From OP's article:

Others pointed out that the clip circulating online was largely taken out of context and failed to show the character's confession to lying about it for political purposes.

"Stop sharing that DeSantis TV show clip thing," podcaster Noam Blum wrote. "The whole point of the episode is that the guy is lying and DeSantis didn't do anything."

"This isn't what it sounds like," Washington Examiner columnist T. Becket Adams agreed. "If you know the show, you know the "accuser" is a reoccurring character best described as a ratf-cker. He’s lying here, and the lawyers bust him. Show doesn’t actually accuse DeSantis of assault.please do not ask me how i know any of this."

It's still gross. They should not be using active politicians names
It's still gross. They should not be using active politicians names
I know nothing about this show and have first heard of it tonight, so I don't know why DeSantis would be a part of storyline. Just pointing to the other opinions in the article.

Sort of strange for any fictional series to include current politicians, honestly.
I know nothing about this show and have first heard of it tonight, so I don't know why DeSantis would be a part of storyline. Just pointing to the other opinions in the article.

Sort of strange for any fictional series to include current politicians, honestly.
100% agree. But it's clear why he is part of the story line. It's a shot at him.
Well fair or not, he's in the playoffs now for 2024. So expect more of this sort of thing.
Nah. We should shout this down. Imagine if a TV show was doing bs story about Michelle Obama transitioning from man to woman. It's not ok. Legal? Sure. Gross? Yes. It should be shouted down by everyone
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I don't know about anyone else, but I watch fictional series to not be reminded of the people I saw in the news earlier.
Yep….. same with sports, which is why all the kneeling and etc. was so aggravating. There’s a time and place for politics and there should be times free from them in order to escape the bitterness and lunacy
I don't know about anyone else, but I watch fictional series to not be reminded of the people I saw in the news earlier.
No doubt.

So many reasons not to do something like this. I think things like this from both the left and right are bad news for the future. We used to be a nation of individuals. We've turned into a nation to eager to virtue signal. Again, the left and right are both guilty.
It's a sick stunt to plant ideas in people's mind. Evil at its finest and character assassination while claiming its just a tv show.

Agree, plant things in people’s mind AND whip the liberal media into a frenzy to reinforce that idea. The left talks about dog whistles…this is the dog whistle from them to bait people into falsely accusing him of everything under the Sun. Wait and see. DeSantis should sue the living s*** out of the network.
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You are under the fascist control of RUSSIANS florida. That should have been evident when all of floridas money was tied up in russian banks.

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just how it is.
I’m sure it would bother you more if it was Pete. I bet you’d be a little more animated about it then. Maybe not though. What say you? If a fictional show did this exact same thing to Pete would you say not good but it happens?

By the way, have we seen anything like this before? Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head. Obviously SNL has done skits poking fun at a bunch of people over the years but this is not at all the same as that. I think it’s pretty shameful but nothing surprises me anymore so it only hits about a 3 for me on the GAS meter.
I’m sure it would bother you more if it was Pete. I bet you’d be a little more animated about it then. Maybe not though. What say you? If a fictional show did this exact same thing to Pete would you say not good but it happens?

By the way, have we seen anything like this before? Nothing comes to mind off the top of my head. Obviously SNL has done skits poking fun at a bunch of people over the years but this is not at all the same as that. I think it’s pretty shameful but nothing surprises me anymore so it only hits about a 3 for me on the GAS meter.
Yes, I would say not good but it happens, even with Pete.

I can't think of a fictional show having a current political figure on it (aside from SNL, as you said). So this is new to me as well.
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where is Matt Gatz when you need him to clarify? This is much of the same crap that we have been experiencing the last 8 years. Throw Crap out there and see what resonates and hits the wall. Even if it doesn't the BS is still up there. Both Parties, the Media, Trump and others are great at doing this and getting the common voter to buy into it.

All spreaders of this kind of Crap should be Sued/Fined and removed from politics. This was a final episode of the Series I assumed and they still should be held accountable.

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