Kid Rock personally had me kicked out of his backstage area when in Knoxville.
I was backstage hanging with his opening act (I offered to interview that guy on the air in order to get backstage where the party was) and while back there, I ran into an old friend. That friend was actually one of the girls in Kid Rock's "Bang-Bang Room". That's what they called the room with strobe lights going and ladies dancing for him on stripper poles. This girl was supposed to be dancing for him, but she saw me and ran up to say hello. He got grumpy about it, apparently, and walked off. After the show, I went into the room that was supposed to feature the big after-party, but he came in and passionately pointed at me and then whispered to his manager. The manager came up to me and asked me to step outside with him. Once outside, he said, "Bob doesn't really like radio guys being at his parties, so he said he won't come to the party until you leave." I explained that nothing bad would happen by letting me continue to party with them, but if they kicked me out, I'd be sharing the story of how he's a douche on the air. He was okay with taking that risk.