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lol....No pressure, I just know there are some with more inquisitive minds who may appreciate the deeper understanding the mental exercise provides.

And I think we all understand that not everyone on the left hates trump, just as not everyone on the right hates Rossie.

Equal amounts love - equal amounts hate - and equal amounts are relatively indifferent.

That's what makes it such a perfect comparison.

I don't think it takes much mental exercise to understand hate. It's a pretty base human emotion that we each either fight or embrace at any given moment. (And for the record, I find it pretty telling how you must view yourself operating, considering the three limited categories you offered. You obviously don't love Trump. You're obviously not indifferent. So, you seem to be--perhaps accidentally--admitting to operating from a place of hate?)

Rossie or Trump have gotten under certain peoples' skin enough that they'll hate pretty much anything they do, no matter what it is, just because of who is doing it. That was my earlier point.

If you look at Trump's polling, his overall approval has improved and his polling on individual policies vary, indicating that the majority of people are rationally weighing his actions as opposed to just hating him and what he does (just because he's the one doing it). Thus, the vast majority of the country seems to be operating in a rational manner as opposed to fringe emotion. I'm not sure where you pull the "equal amounts" love/hate/indifference. The numbers seem to indicate a majority rational, and fringe emotion on either extreme.
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I don't think it takes much mental exercise to understand hate. It's a pretty base human emotion that we each either fight or embrace at any given moment. (And for the record, I find it pretty telling how you must view yourself operating, considering the three limited categories you offered. You obviously don't love Trump. You're obviously not indifferent. So, you seem to be--perhaps accidentally--admitting to operating from a place of hate?)

Rossie or Trump have gotten under certain peoples' skin enough that they'll hate pretty much anything they do, no matter what it is, just because of who is doing it. That was my earlier point.

If you look at Trump's polling, his overall approval has improved and his polling on individual policies vary, indicating that the majority of people are rationally weighing his actions as opposed to just hating him and what he does (just because he's the one doing it). Thus, the vast majority of the country seems to be operating in a rational manner as opposed to fringe emotion. I'm not sure where you pull the "equal amounts" love/hate/indifference. The numbers seem to indicate a majority rational, and fringe emotion on either extreme.
Hating and understanding hate are not the least bit the same. In fact, the more you understand hate the less likely you are to be manipulated into having "generic" hatred.

My hatred of hate is precisely why I hate trump.

trumpism was built on an identified subgroup who could easily be manipulated into hatred.
It was crystal clear from day one in 2016.
lol....No pressure, I just know there are some with more inquisitive minds who may appreciate the deeper understanding the mental exercise provides.

And I think we all understand that not everyone on the left hates trump, just as not everyone on the right hates Rossie.

Equal amounts love - equal amounts hate - and equal amounts are relatively indifferent.

That's what makes it such a perfect comparison.
Rossie isn't the only douche baguette.
I coined Douche Baguette btw and no, they are not mirror images because no one really GAF about Rossie and she isn't orange. Isn't her name Rosie? You keep butchering her name on purpose which is even worse than misgendering Trans women who are actually men.
They are absolutely mirror images.
And you are missing the point.
Nobody would have GAF about trump had he not entered the race in 2016.
They would hardly GAF about trump had he lost in the primaries.
They would only slightly GAF about trump had he lost in the general.

That is the point.

trumpers took a "Rossie" and gave her(him) wings.

shocking......embarrassing........potentially catastrophic.
They are absolutely mirror images.
And you are missing the point.
Nobody would have GAF about trump had he not entered the race in 2016.
They would hardly GAF about trump had he lost in the primaries.
They would only slightly GAF about trump had he lost in the general.

That is the point.

trumpers took a "Rossie" and gave her(him) wings.

shocking......embarrassing........potentially catastrophic.
Wrong again Guther! Go back to the kids table until you have some premium takes to discuss with the Pepperjax!
Hating and understanding hate are not the least bit the same. In fact, the more you understand hate the less likely you are to be manipulated into having "generic" hatred.

My hatred of hate is precisely why I hate trump.

Sounds like if you had any self-awareness, you'd have a lot of self-loathing. You hate hatred, so you hate.

trumpism was built on an identified subgroup who could easily be manipulated into hatred.
It was crystal clear from day one in 2016.

Sounds like you've been easily manipulated into hatred.
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I didn’t, Trump did. Blame the Orangeman for her 15 minutes of fame.
?????????????????What are you talking about?

trump did what? What does her "15 minutes of fame" (which makes no sense) have to do with anything?

I'm simply stating the fact that trump to the left is the equivalent of Rossie to the right.
lol....No pressure, I just know there are some with more inquisitive minds who may appreciate the deeper understanding the mental exercise provides.

And I think we all understand that not everyone on the left hates trump, just as not everyone on the right hates Rossie.

Equal amounts love - equal amounts hate - and equal amounts are relatively indifferent.

That's what makes it such a perfect comparison.
Have people on the right called Rosie Hitler? The press? Political opposition? Anyone ever compare her to Hitler of note?
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Back in 2016 I said Rosey O'Donnell was the left's equivalent to trump.

Had Rossie O'Donnell actually entered the 2016 race, what would have been your immediate reaction?
Had she won the nomination?
Had she won the election?

The way you guys view(ed) Rossie is the same way many on the left view(ed) trump.

Except trump is much worse.

This argument is so bad that you spelled her name two different ways.
Have people on the right called Rosie Hitler? The press? Political opposition? Anyone ever compare her to Hitler of note?
Of course not, because she was not stupid enough to run, and the people on the left would never had been stupid enough to nominate and elect her had she been. Had the people on the left been that stupid, the people on the right would have been beyond hysterical.......
and you know that is true.
Of course not, because she was not stupid enough to run, and the people on the left would never had been stupid enough to nominate and elect her had she been. Had the people on the left been that stupid, the people on the right would have been beyond hysterical.......
and you know that is true.

The person who voted for Joe Biden. The worst POTUS in history.

Even Carter got to see the day he could breathe a sigh of relief. Who would stage such a comical photo as below? I hope someone was fired but probably not given the lack of accountability in that administration. They probably think it could fool their voters. Did we have an invasion from Mars?

Hating and understanding hate are not the least bit the same. In fact, the more you understand hate the less likely you are to be manipulated into having "generic" hatred.

My hatred of hate is precisely why I hate trump.

trumpism was built on an identified subgroup who could easily be manipulated into hatred.
It was crystal clear from day one in 2016.
Sounds an awful lot how the left has been operating for so long against America and americans that did not cowtail to their absurd behavior and demands, it bred the existence of Trump to burn it down.
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