A few moments ago I responded to a thread with a political fact about am incumbent president whose approval rating is under fifty pct is toast. Is the left running the show here as well?So much for freedom of speech.Needless to say my post was erased soon afterwards.No sense of humor anymore.Sad
freedom of speech doesnt apply when you are taking about a privately owned message board
yeah that's not really the reason. We don't allow political discussions to derail threads in the football forum. It seems like you've found the proper place for such a discussion
also, the freedom of speech argument is ridiculous when you're on someone else's site
Nobody was derailing anyone.simple analogy libs really are thin skinned.lol
The fact that I haven't lost my religion and shutdown a liberal Gator fan should put me in the running to be a Supreme Sourt justice.
I think ban hammer comes when you roll up with sh!t, p!ss, cok suker, muther foker, tits.
According to George Carlin at least. Not sure about this board.
I have stuff deleted all the time. It means the mods hate you/are scared of you
pj is a huge liberal
VolNation moderators delete posts and threads that they don't feel are appropriate/consider to be egregiously irrelevant to the flow of the forum. Trust me, the deletion has nothing to do with party lines.