Censorship or open dialogue? What say you?

As an absolute there is no freedom of anything. You could talk yourself to death, thus putting an upper limit on speech. And if you never spoke I would think it would eventually inhibit your ability to speak in the future, so there is a lower limit on speech.

The question always is what others can do to further limit it.

Depending on your political leanings people will take different sides.

Government limiting, the right typically says no, the left typically says yes.

Private entities limiting speech, the right typically says yes, the left says no.

Pick your own hypocrisy and fight to the death about it.

Have you been hanging out with IloveDD?
You have exactly Zero interest in dialog or truth. All you want is chaos, destruction, lies, and disinformation:

1/2 half of you are using free speech as a weapon to advance your domestic terrorism agendas. The other half just do what you are told.

It is against the law to yell fire in a crowd. For good reason. If you yell fire in a crowd and cause a panic that results in injury, you can be charged.

Many, many, many of you were never taught "just because you can doesn't make it right" and it shows.

Just think…if we outlawed misinformation, your post would already be deleted.

You are advocating for censoring misinformation by distributing disinformation as support for the policy.

People like you are more dangerous than any misinformation I may come across.
As an absolute there is no freedom of anything. You could talk yourself to death, thus putting an upper limit on speech. And if you never spoke I would think it would eventually inhibit your ability to speak in the future, so there is a lower limit on speech.

The question always is what others can do to further limit it.

Depending on your political leanings people will take different sides.

Government limiting, the right typically says no, the left typically says yes.

Private entities limiting speech, the right typically says yes, the left says no.

Pick your own hypocrisy and fight to the death about it.
It’s not hypocritical to say that government should not be able to limit free speech and that private entities are allowed to
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You have exactly Zero interest in dialog or truth. All you want is chaos, destruction, lies, and disinformation:

1/2 half of you are using free speech as a weapon to advance your domestic terrorism agendas. The other half just do what you are told.

It is against the law to yell fire in a crowd. For good reason. If you yell fire in a crowd and cause a panic that results in injury, you can be charged.

Many, many, many of you were never taught "just because you can doesn't make it right" and it shows.
It’s not hypocritical to say that government should not be able to limit free speech and that private entities are allowed to
Maybe not in this country. But if we are considering the freedom of speech as an absolute it is.

And many are worried about private companies doing it. How do you think the social credit score will work? You say something they dont like, Visa shuts down your account. Or Venmo for supporting some truckers. Speaking out against the vax or vax policies has gotten people fired.
And many are worried about private companies doing it. How do you think the social credit score will work? You say something they dont like, Visa shuts down your account. Or Venmo for supporting some truckers. Speaking out against the vax or vax policies has gotten people fired.

Private companies doing private things with private property. Don't like Visa? Use MasterCard. Don't like Venmo? Use Cash app.

Should we be up in arms that Freak's rules and the moderators doing their job are denying us our rights by enforcing a code of conduct? It's his site, after all.
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Private companies doing private things with private property. Don't like Visa? Use MasterCard. Don't like Venmo? Use Cash app.

Should we be up in arms that Freak's rules and the moderators doing their job are denying us our rights by enforcing a code of conduct? It's his site, after all.
You sound like a typical liberal that was saying to conservatives that got banned from social media sites; that if they didn't like it, to just start their own social media site. Now that Musk is buying Twitter instead of starting his own, liberals are going crazy over it. So what is it that makes liberals happy?
Private companies doing private things with private property. Don't like Visa? Use MasterCard. Don't like Venmo? Use Cash app.

Should we be up in arms that Freak's rules and the moderators doing their job are denying us our rights by enforcing a code of conduct? It's his site, after all.
Again. In this nation, no I am not up in arms about it.

Visa cutting me off from my debit account would be a different matter. Or maybe its comcast cutting off my internet while I am working from home.

My only issue with the private business angle is that there is literally no alternative, but to go without. I would like to see a requirement where companies have to provide an option that ensures your freedom of speech or privacy or whatever wont be violated by their product. But the company can charge 10/15% extra for that option. Let the free market decide what happens to our rights with the products. Right now there is a monopoly on usage/access being tied into a loss of freedom of/to association.
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You sound like a typical liberal that was saying to conservatives that got banned from social media sites; that if they didn't like it, to just start their own social media site. Now that Musk is buying Twitter instead of starting his own, liberals are going crazy over it. So what is it that makes liberals happy?
It wasn't just liberals saying it. Conservatives used to be all about the govt staying out of business until they got targeted and hurt feelings.

Good for musk. I'm sure if he starts banning liberals the right will be there to defend them right? Right?
If you're not a liberal, you sure sound and act like one. Maybe your ideas of conservatives and liberals has been skewed after years of working for the government.
Or you fail to realize that liberal vs conservative is not the same as repub vs Dem

Very few self labeled conservatives on this board actually match that with their beliefs. They just like the label
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If you're not a liberal, you sure sound and act like one. Maybe your ideas of conservatives and liberals has been skewed after years of working for the government.

Who do I need to hate on more to increase my conservative cred?
Private companies doing private things with private property. Don't like Visa? Use MasterCard. Don't like Venmo? Use Cash app.

Should we be up in arms that Freak's rules and the moderators doing their job are denying us our rights by enforcing a code of conduct? It's his site, after all.

And that is all good till I am asked to bake you a wedding cake, eh? :p
And that is all good till I am asked to bake you a wedding cake, eh? :p

The Christian part of me says to bake the cake with a smile on my face and show you grace and love unconditionally.

The husband of a small business owner part of me says I can serve who I want so long as I don't actively say why I am not serving someone.

I know which part is generally codified as law.
Say yes to the cake.

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The Christian part of me says to bake the cake with a smile on my face and show you grace and love unconditionally.

The husband of a small business owner part of me says I can serve who I want so long as I don't actively say why I am not serving someone.

I know which part is generally codified as law.

But see, that "not actively saying why" is curtailing your speech.

What if you were to say, "Sorry, we do not serve those whom we deem to be overweight. Goodby fatty!" or you are running a nightclub and only allow those you deem to be sufficiently beautiful or famous or (take your pick). Or for that matter a night club that has a lesbian only policy - and does a Crocodile Dundee check at the door.

Don't all those people have that same right to refuse service? and more importantly, tell you exactly why they are doing so? For is that not speech?

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