Tennessee freshman defensive tackle Charles Mosley was involved in an automobile accident over the weekend. The accident resulted in a broken leg, which had been reported earlier while Tennessee head coach Butch Jones awaited more information. Mosley should feel pretty lucky, because he should feel lucky to be alive.
That is the word from highway patrol, according to Go Vols Xtra. The story is behind a pay wall, so subscribers will be able to get more information, but the idea that highway patrol thinks Mosley is lucky to even be breathing today is a scary thought. He was in the car with family, according to the Associated Press.
A spokesperson from Tennessees athletic department confirmed Mosley underwent surgery on Sunday night to treat a broken tibia. Mosley was later reported to be in fair condition according to a spokeswoman at Regional Medical Center in Memphis. There is currently no timeline outlined for a possible return and rehab. Tennessee is hopeful Mosley will be released from the hospital by the end of the week.