Cheering Reprimand

Wierd story. Not sure who is right on this one.
I think that as long as the woman was not using profanity or obscene that there isn't anything wrong with what she was doing. If she wants to scream, then let her scream. She pays just as much for those tickets as the other people. She has just as much right to scream as the people around her have to sit there like a lump on a log.
she's probably sitting in the old fowlks section on the west side. sat their once at the ALa. game and boy that sucked.
Problem here is sounds like she is repeats everything so often and doesn't take breaks to sit and be quiet when 106,999 other people are sitting and talking among themselves for a minute. That might wear on me too. Not to the point of calling the University though. She paid the ticket price so I see her point too.
Every time I see that article and that picture of her jumping like Cocker Spaniel I think "Better them than me."
Ive seen some really annoying fans before, but if they paid and are not being obscene then I say yell louder. I could see where they want her to maybe change up the cheers a bit
This is old news. I have, in the interim, talked to somebody in her section and she told me that this woman is THE most annoying and obnoxious fan you will ever meet. Even young, energetic fans (such as the one I know) in the section were disturbed by her behavior, to the point that no one could even enjoy the game.
A bit off topic. I had Vols season tickets for about 7 years (not a "season ticket holder" but I would buy them every year off of ebay or somewhere similar). I am also a 6 year Atlanta Falcons season ticket holder. I still go to a UT game each year, usually an away game. Last year Notre Dame, next year we're going to Cal.

Is it just me or are NFL fans about 10 times more obnoxious than College football fans?
Well, that whole dressing-up/Halloween-costume-thing some NFL fans do is really weird - esp. disconcerting to see a 40-year-old really fat guy looking like he thinks he's a teenager - but to each his own.

I think the most interesting thing about the whole UT repetitive fan is the fact that she said she was so embarrassed after the phone call from the athletic dept. that she wasn't going to go to the next game & prob. might not go until LSU ("since it will be loud for that game") - yet she wasn't too embarrassed to call into radio show - I think she's just a big attention-seeker, which means she really isn't about the Vols (IMHO).
I think that if people don't want to go to the game and hear someone scream they would be more than welcome to stay home and watch the game on T.V. You are going to a public sporting event with 107,000 people in attendance. She has just as much right to be screaming her head off as the other people do to sit on their ass. I have been told to sit down and shut-up by people when I am cheering on my Vols. I politely turn around and tell them they are welcome to stand up, but I am not going to be sitting down.
Well, that whole dressing-up/Halloween-costume-thing some NFL fans do is really weird - esp. disconcerting to see a 40-year-old really fat guy looking like he thinks he's a teenager - but to each his own.

I think the most interesting thing about the whole UT repetitive fan is the fact that she said she was so embarrassed after the phone call from the athletic dept. that she wasn't going to go to the next game & prob. might not go until LSU ("since it will be loud for that game") - yet she wasn't too embarrassed to call into radio show - I think she's just a big attention-seeker, which means she really isn't about the Vols (IMHO).
That may very well be the case, but it is still crazy that someone would call the university and complain about them cheering and then the university would call her and tell her not to cheer so loud.
Did letter say loud or just stop? Just like my 8yr old saying the same thing over and over and over again. I have on many occasion asked him to stop. And yes, I am getting old or he is making me old. Take your pick.
here's a solution... just put her in the middle of the visitor's section. that way, the AD's happy, UT fans are happy, and the visiting fans just have to put up with her once a year.
I don't care how crazy or loud she is. This is absurd. This is exactly why Neyland isn't as loud as The Swamp or Tiger Stadium. We have superior numbers, but pound for pound both those stadiums are much louder than we are throughout games.

I can understand calling someone out for excessive profanity, throwing things, etc., but this is ridiculous. It's a football game, people.

We need to personally send this lady down to Athens this weekend.
If you haven't seen the video, then you should withhold judgement. I thought it was ridiculous that people were complaining until I watched the cell phone video of her. I have to admit, sitting next to her for an entire game would drive me nuts. During what looks like a timeout (everyone is staring at her instead of the game), she was just screaming (not saying anything) and jumping up and down continuously. Words cannot describe it...

I scream and yell and make as much noise as I can and I'm not an old fart. Trust me - she would annoy you. I'm not suggesting she should stop and definitely don't think she should be reprimanded, but you would definitely have a headache when you left.:crazy:

Video link is on the right side of the page found in the link below...
KnoxNews: Govols
this is so stupid, theese older people think UT football is a big socal event, i personaly think we need more enthusiatic fans like her.
She's an obnoxious fan no doubt. But there are plenty of them to go around. There are several geezers in section s that get tickets at face value with no donation and they like to complain about everything (that goes for sections u and t also). UT should move her to another section and let section s get back to the quiet mouse game.
this is so stupid, theese older people think UT football is a big socal event, i personaly think we need more enthusiatic fans like her.
There's a huge difference between enthusiasm and idiocy. How is it "enthusiastic" to be screaming like a mental patient during a timeout?

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