Chest bumps!

I still wouldn't mind giving Trooper a shot, especially if there isn't a premier candidate that is interested. Why would Chavis care is Troop was OC? Does he just dislike him personally that much?
I still wouldn't mind giving Trooper a shot, especially if there isn't a premier candidate that is interested. Why would Chavis care is Troop was OC? Does he just dislike him personally that much?
I would mind. We need somebody with some experience to take this position. Our program can't take a year off to experiment.
I would mind. We need somebody with some experience to take this position. Our program can't take a year off to experiment.

Why not? Bama did. :)

Seriously, experience does not guarantee results, but I guess the percentages are higher.

Although it would suck if Trooper produced the mediocre results we have become accustomed to, as it would take either 3 years or another 2005 to get a change. I guess that goes for anyone though. Whoever we get will probably get a 3 year window I would think.
Can I coach receivers.... I dont do chest bumps but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

Im not sure but apparently the university has yet to decide to change our car insurance 2 geico so we can spend some money on a good oc.
I can light up the scoreboard on my Madden and NCAA, that's as much experience as Trooper so maybe I should get a shot...
Do you really think Tenn is down to only 2 cadidates and Trooper? I have a hard time believing that. Theirs way to many fish in the sea. I would take Trooper over Loeffler any day. Ive heard nothing great and he has no OC experience. Nothing ive read really ties his interviews with the OC job. Maybe they want him as one of the soon to be vacant position spots. Im not overly enthused about Cignetti either. Im taking all the info with a grain of salt. I just believe theirs bigger fish in Fulmer's sea.
I'd rather have Trooper than Kippy or Adkins.

Perhaps you've expounded on this before, but what makes you think Trooper is a better OC candidate than Kippy Brown?

I get that you like having college football's version of Flava Flav yelling and hopping around on the sideline...but, Kippy has been coaching offense at the game's highest level for more than a decade now - and it appears that he'll be an NFL OC (again) by the end of the seems to me that, when it comes to coaching accomplishments, Kippy and Trooper aren't even close.
I do think the search is a bit hamstrung by the fact that they do not seem to be talking to guys who have the potential to be a head coach in the near future. Most of the better coordinators/small school head coches are going to be guys who get mentioned for hfc vacancies.
Perhaps you've expounded on this before, but what makes you think Trooper is a better OC candidate than Kippy Brown?
A couple of things, but in a word: recruiting. I do not believe that Kippy could re-establish his long dormant recruiting connections over night. IMO, losing Taylor will be like losing Rodney Garner all over again.

Other factors I have considered include:
1. I do not think Taylor or Brown would be hired to re-invent the offense. Either one would be a system coach. Trooper has been in/around the system for awhile now. It's not like he'd be a babe in the woods;
2. We already saw an immeidate, negative reaction from some of the players to the announcement that Trooper is leaving. The players like Taylor. Player morale is important IMO; and
3. It is obvious that Trooper wants to be at UTK. He did not bolt for Grambling last year. He stepped way out on a limb to say he would reconsider leaving for the OkState job if he is offered the UTK OC job. I doubt that is playing well in Stillwater.
it does sound like Troop is sending the message that he wants to remain in Knoxville above all else, if he didnt why go public saying he would leave if offered the UTK position? imo, it shows his heart is on the Hill and that goes a long way with me. that being said, I still think our OC needs to be battletested.
I would mind. We need somebody with some experience to take this position. Our program can't take a year off to experiment.

The absolute TRUTH!

But I am scared to death this hire is going to be the exact opposite of what we were hoping for.

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