wtf? I guess I've been hiding under a rock. I went to Chik-Fil-A yesterday. I knew it seemed a little more busy than normal, but I had no idea it was in support of Cathy's statements, lol. I haven't really paid attention since his initial statement. I disagree with his views, but he has the right to his beliefs. That said, govt isn't supposed to be based upon religion but the rights of the governed. Gay marriage doesn't infringe upon Mr. Cathy's rights, so I don't see how his statements should factor into the issue.
The question on right of refusal of service, a business cannot refuse service based upon race, gender, national origin, or religion as it violates civil rights laws. The federal law does not prohibit refusal of service based on sexual orientation, but some state laws do. Personally, I think the LGBT movement should found their own church and declare themselves a religion. What constitutes a religion anyway? It's a set system of beliefs. They believe in their rights to be who they are. Christianity, or any other religion, should not be allowed to deny them that. Some people's views on right of refusal make me laugh. Could you imagine a store owner in today's world putting up a "No Coloreds" or "Whites Only" sign? People would lose their minds.
As for a comparison of the struggles of blacks and gays in this country, there isn't much of one to be made. They're two unique fights. Blacks can't exactly hide their skin color so of course their struggles were more public. Gays and lesbians can hide their sexual orientation from the general public, but that itself is its own kind of slavery. Never being allowed to be yourself is a slavery of the soul. What happens between consenting adults is not something the public should concern itself with. Please note the "consenting adults" part because inevitably someone likes to run with the general "well if the public should turn its head" arguement and try to make it address matters that do not pertain to consenting adults.
In the end, everyone is entitled to their beliefs, but laws are supposed to address a person's individual rights. There's a reason our countries forefathers proposed a separation of church and state. It should remain that way. In the fight of equal rights, religion should not play a role.