Let's Do A Ritual....
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Anyone with military knowledge know if this is true? Do we not have anything like this? Doesn’t the military have a black budget?
Intelligence agency warns that China is creating Global Genetic Database with Covid test kits and biotech firm buy-ups that could give it dominance over U.S. healthcare industry and a decisive military edge
Intelligence officials on Friday issued new warnings about China's ambitions, saying it was collecting genetic data from around the world as part of a technological push that could give it a decisive military edge and dominance over the American healthcare sector.
A report by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center painted an alarming picture of the risks for businesses and universities in accepting Chinese investment or offers of expertise.
It is the latest in a series of forecasts that the U.S. risks being left behind as China forges ahead with research.
Officials warn that China's technology dominance could give it decisive military edge over U.S. | Daily Mail Online
I never understood why a genetics database would be devisive. What can they do with it? Genetic target warfare?
Imagine the damage you could do worldwide if you found a racist virus that selectively attacked some races while being mostly harmless in another. Our woke society would never approve, but then they'd never concern themselves with what China and others might be doing ... it's just the societies started by old white guys that are troublesome to them.
Old news. They’ve been doing this with the genetic testing companies for many years. This is just an extension of that already existing program.Intelligence agency warns that China is creating Global Genetic Database with Covid test kits and biotech firm buy-ups that could give it dominance over U.S. healthcare industry and a decisive military edge
Intelligence officials on Friday issued new warnings about China's ambitions, saying it was collecting genetic data from around the world as part of a technological push that could give it a decisive military edge and dominance over the American healthcare sector.
A report by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center painted an alarming picture of the risks for businesses and universities in accepting Chinese investment or offers of expertise.
It is the latest in a series of forecasts that the U.S. risks being left behind as China forges ahead with research.
Officials warn that China's technology dominance could give it decisive military edge over U.S. | Daily Mail Online
What pizzes me off is that there are ZERO Coincidences about the fact that the Chicoms are developing a hypersonic missile with a glide body that goes into space...
These thieves steal EVERY TECH THAT MATTERS from us ....because WE are stupid and allow them to. We do many stupid things that they do not ...we allow their students to attend US universities and they steal us blind...they infiltrate our military, our dirty garbage politicians like Crooked Joe, our defense contractors....they hack our computers and steal classified materials with ZERO repercussions...our stupid lax immigration policy....porous borders...crooked politicians on the take etc...
We ALLOW THEM to steal all of our intellectual property....and when they DO...which is obvious like the copied Blackhawks...stealth aircraft tech...missile tech...etc etc...we do NOTHING about it because those politicians in a position to actually do something about it....AT LEAST tarriffs ffs...are already on the dole from the Chicoms like Biden.
We need to secure our research institutions....our computers...our name it. I am so tired of getting shown up by these clowns and doing absolutely nothing about it. Its shameful.
Biden inadvertently changed our Taiwan policy before the "White House" changed it back. From his townhall
"Mr. Biden’s confusion extended to foreign policy, which is supposed to be his strength. Regarding Taiwan—a crucial issue with China—Mr. Biden misstated U.S. policy. Asked “can you vow to protect Taiwan,” Mr. Biden said “yes.”
CNN anchor Anderson Cooper must have figured this was news, because he gave Mr. Biden another chance: “So are you saying that the United States would come to Taiwan’s defense if—”
Mr. Biden: “Yes.”
Mr. Cooper: —“China attacked?”
Mr. Biden: “Yes, we have a commitment to do that.”
The actual U.S. policy toward Taiwan is “strategic ambiguity” about U.S. intentions. The Taiwan Relations Act commits the U.S. to help Taiwan defend itself but does not include a NATO-like commitment to go to war to defend the island democracy. Many people think the U.S. should make such a commitment explicit so Beijing doesn’t miscalculate and invade the island. Was Mr. Biden announcing a change in U.S. policy?
Apparently not, because the White House soon walked back Mr. Biden’s words. Strategic ambiguity lives, or perhaps we should say strategic confusion in the case of Mr. Biden."
Opinion | The Confusing Mr. Biden