Chris Donald

YES!!! He knows his decision!!! FINALLY!!! Please help with the Scout article... PLEASSSSEEEE!!!:crossfingers:
He has known his decision for a while. :lolabove:

It won't say it in that article, though.
we'll all find out Sat. Unitl then I will continue waiting, I feel like the guy that just amped up enough corage to ask the hottest girl in school to the prom and now Im waiting for her answer.
CD says he picked the place where he felt most at home and where he felt the most fan. he then went on to say that he loved the fan support at both schools and he says nothing about where he felt at home. No real clues in there.
Yeah, that's pretty generic. Did he mention anything about academics? That's one area that ND has us beat.

I just can't imagine that ND would end up with the TN trifecta. Tate and Smith both went to catholic high schools, so I can see how ND got those two.
these are some of his quotes that would really disappoint me if he didnt come to TN.

" I'm a Tennessee boy; they treat me like a hero or something."

"Tennessee is my home state. I love it here and I'll be close to my mother."

"Tennessee is a great school, they're doing well and I've been talking to the coaches since my junior year."

"I have a strong relationship with all of them."
yeah, but for every nice thing he has said about TN, he has said a nice thing about ND.

Donald has been completely neutral between both schools in all of his comments. it's a hard one to call
hey, domer. i know you have an opinion and everything but this isnt the thread about how chris donald wants to be yet another kid who goes out of state and if you havent noticed i am trying to stay positive and not think about him going to the one team i hate more than any one else.

dont you have an lsu thread to be chatting on? and besides, i dont think a single quote above could even pertain to notre lame except for a "good school" and "doing well".
If he goes, it's really going to suck, but can you blame the guy?

At least ND has shown they are headed in the right direction and TN seems to have settled for being middle of the pack in the SEC East.

So while I'd love to see Donald wearing the Orange on Saturdays, I'd wish him the best of luck and move on if he becomes a domer.
If he goes, it's really going to suck, but can you blame the guy?

At least ND has shown they are headed in the right direction and TN seems to have settled for being middle of the pack in the SEC East.

So while I'd love to see Donald wearing the Orange on Saturdays, I'd wish him the best of luck and move on if he becomes a domer.

Yes I can blame him. ND is in a terrible terrible town with nasty girls. Donald will be a vol.
If a guy bases the next three to four years of his life on what happens over a single game, would you really want him on your team?

I would imagine that he's already made his decision.
From what I've heard he is pretty good friends with Walker and Campbell and they talk pretty regularly. Plus, he is idolized here and he is close to his family and he is even on record as saying "I'm a Tennessee Boy". I think it is tough for ND to pull him away from us.
I've thought Donald was a Vol all along, but now, I have an uneasy feeling that he may be ND bound...
Everyone has read a post about a guy who has a friend that over-heard some guy at a resturaunt saying he talked with Chris Donald's teamate saying he is X bound.

I told yall, I saw him eating a T bone steak and drinking ORANGE juice one day. That says it all. I wish you all would just listen to me :)

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