Having a tough time caring. So someone puts my picture on an ad that says Nike flip flops are the best flip flops in the world. No skin off my nose, and no effort required on my part, so no need for compensation.
So the whole "you should care because the Adidas guys who paid you to endorse their flip flops, they care, and if you don't care, why should they pay you to endorse, why not just take a free photo of you and use that without paying you?" That whole logic chain starts with the idea that my photo = my endorsement. Which puts us right back at the original weird idea that our likeness and image belong to us like property.
So it's a really circular argument. Endorsements should involve words, whether videotaped or in writing, something like, "I really like this product a lot and use it myself." Nothing more than a photo of a dude, well, that's not an endorsement, because the photo isn't saying anything positive or negative.
Any interpretation on our collective part that it does, that's just the whole "likeness and image" thing circling back into the argument.
It really is a self-licking ice cream cone, seems to me.