Originally posted by milohimself@Dec 16, 2005 7:34 PM
I can't believe anybody out there is actually getting upset by the phrase "happy holidays"
I HATE politics in this country... It seems like more than half of everybody has to align themselves with one side or the other, and bicker with whoever doesn't agree with the side they've taken. I can't even believe it's gotten down to the level of semantics. Damn.
Well, here's hoping that all forms of cable news and any other fuel of the American political cockfight are violently destroyed.
Everybody enjoy your time off school or work to be with your family and be safe.
I'm not offended by "happy holidays" but I don't like that some businesses don't allow their employees to say Merry Christmas and everything says happy holidays in their store. They sure don't care to make a profit during Christmas.