Cindy Sheehan



Rational Thought Allowed?
Mar 9, 2006
Breaks hunger strike after 37 days. She is no "this guy:"
it never was a hunger strike. more like a diet. I hate her with a passion. Her voice is like nails on a chalk board.
Says it all:

honestly, i think anyone who speaks badly of cindy sheehan should step back and think of how they would react if they lost a child. whether or not you agree with her, i am sure it was a traumatic experience, something that could change a person. then again, i don't know, i have never lost a child.
Not just saying this because I disagree with her, but I honestly think there's a little bit of mental illness at work here. I understand being committed to a cause, but she's pulled some stunts that are just nutty.
To me, she's a sad figure . . . a grieving Mother who is allowing some radicals to work here like a marionette.
honestly, i think anyone who speaks badly of cindy sheehan should step back and think of how they would react if they lost a child. whether or not you agree with her, i am sure it was a traumatic experience, something that could change a person. then again, i don't know, i have never lost a child.

Without going into details, I've been there and done that. In the aftermath my wife and I discovered that people who lose a child fall into two categories: 1) those who accept it, grieve in their own ways, pick up the pieces and get on with life; and 2) those who just want to WALLOW in it. The "wallowers," if you will, are extraordinarily SELF-CENTERED people who are only interested in feeling sorry for themselves and getting others to pity them. The one phrase you hear out of every last one of the people in the latter category is, "Why did this happen to MEEEE?!?!?!" Think about that for a second. In addition, they look high and low for someone to blame for it and once they find that person, become obsessed with getting them to admit some sort of wrongdoing. There was a guy in North Knox Co. whose son died in a crash whilst being chased by deputies (I think, anyway, some form of local law-enforcement) who PARKED HIS DEAD SON'S MANGLED CAR ON HIS FRONT YARD plastered with signs declaring he would not rest until the malefactors of law enforcement admitted their guilt in the matter.

Mama Sheehan falls right into this category. What the Lamestream media conveniently ignores is that President Bush ALREADY MET WITH HER shortly after Casey's death. At some point her "why did this happen to MEEEEEE?!?!?!?" psyche took over and she decided to demand something nobody else was getting: a second meeting with the President.

"Why did this happen to MEEEE?!?!?" is the operative phrase.

The bitterness is breathtaking. These people are so self-centered that they cannot simply honor their child and cherish their memories but replace that child with a black hatred and bitterness that eventually consumes them.

I can think of no sadder existence.
Despite losing her son, she has no right to do some of the things she has done.

I feel sorry for her loss, I do NOT feel sorry for her as an individual to the point that I give her a free pass.
Would John Walsh be considered a wallower?

No, Walsh is very direct: "This is what happened to my son. I don't want your pity, I want to help catch and prosecute the dirt bags that do this to other children." If Mama Sheehan dedicated herself to helping other families deal with their losses, or tried to help the Iraqi government get its act together to end the insurgency and become a functioning society - as one father did by joining the National Guard and deploying with his unit - that would be a positive and selfless act as a homage to her child. Listen to her, though, the climax of any Mama Sheehan speech is, "Why did this happen to MEEEE?!?!?" "I (emphasis) lost MY (emphasis again) child!!!" "I (emphasis) am SOOOOO pitiful, aren't I??" "I (emphasis) am a VICTIM (there's THAt word) of the Eeeeeeviiillll Bush regime." "Pity me!! Send money!!!"

Sorry, but she can sell her whole line of bovine scatology elsewhere.
Well one can always ignore it. Making negative comments about her negativity places one on her level does it not?
Well one can always ignore it. Making negative comments about her negativity places one on her level does it not?
I feel the tragedy of the situation is that Casey Sheehan's legacy is now that he is the son of Cindy Sheehan. He fought and died in a cause that he believed in, whole heart and soul. Yet, he will forever be connected to the antithesis of that cause...
Do we know that for a fact?
From the statements made by the rest of the family, speaking of correspondence and statements by Casey...
His actions speak loudly for themselves. He enlisted prior to 9/11, then re-upped when his unit was put on alert for deployment to Iraq. At that time, if he disagreed with the cause, he could have walked; no dishonor, no disgrace, he would have just ETSd. Again, he volunteered for the assignment that directly lead to his death: taking duty on a QRF to bail out fellow soldiers. His actions speak volumes about his beliefs. His mother is trying her hardest to cause his death to be in vain, and against what he very apparently believed.
People can still disagree with something but choose to do it. At the time of his death he could have been completely against the war and what was going on there.

We have no clue what was going through that kid's head. Saying you do and making him out to be a hero when you don't know that is as opportunistic of you with him as his mom is.
People can still disagree with something but choose to do it. At the time of his death he could have been completely against the war and what was going on there.

We have no clue what was going through that kid's head. Saying you do and making him out to be a hero when you don't know that is as opportunistic of you with him as his mom is.

We have no clue what is going through anyone's head at any given moment. Given the information provided by Real, I would assume he was in agreement with the cause he was fighting for.
Then you are assuming. A lot can happen between before 9/11 enlistment and dying recently. To presume to know what the kid was thinking even up to the very end is ludicrous to say the least. If it is ludicrous for his mom to think the way she does about her son, it would be the same to assume that her son loved everything he was doing and was going on in Iraq up to the end.
Then you are assuming. A lot can happen between before 9/11 enlistment and dying recently. To presume to know what the kid was thinking even up to the very end is ludicrous to say the least. If it is ludicrous for his mom to think the way she does about her son, it would be the same to assume that her son loved everything he was doing and was going on in Iraq up to the end.

Not ludicrous, I am going with information that Real posted. Never said anyone could know what the kid was thinking up to the very end, in fact I said the opposite.
So you think a post with quite a huge gap in info and timeline would be factual. You assume that is correct?
Regardless of what comes and goes in ones head, one simple truth remains. A very simple and and honorable truth that should never be tarnished, belittled, excused, second guessed or any other crapped out, exploitable term. These men enlisted of free choice to serve in one of the military branches of the U.S. Now, I personally don't understand the amount of deployed weekend guard verses full timers, but it is still a branch of military that is subject to active and hazardous duty. These men have volunteered. "I never thought we'd actually go to war" don't hold water in a bucket. There's no draft. Don't sign up if you think it may happen. They volunteered. Honor them by taken the handcuffs off and let them do their job. Criticize Israel all you want, but they do mean what they say. My granddad was in WWII pacific, seabee. My uncle was intelligence officer in Korea. I served one year high school ROTC in 10th grade. OK...well I respect the decision of those that do serve in real bracnhes. Except our local guard unit is sort of the Barney Fife of the Ga Nat'l Guard. They're not allowed to use live ammo at camp when in Ft. Stewart. Some incidents one time...

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