Regardless of what comes and goes in ones head, one simple truth remains. A very simple and and honorable truth that should never be tarnished, belittled, excused, second guessed or any other crapped out, exploitable term. These men enlisted of free choice to serve in one of the military branches of the U.S. Now, I personally don't understand the amount of deployed weekend guard verses full timers, but it is still a branch of military that is subject to active and hazardous duty. These men have volunteered. "I never thought we'd actually go to war" don't hold water in a bucket. There's no draft. Don't sign up if you think it may happen. They volunteered. Honor them by taken the handcuffs off and let them do their job. Criticize Israel all you want, but they do mean what they say. My granddad was in WWII pacific, seabee. My uncle was intelligence officer in Korea. I served one year high school ROTC in 10th grade. OK...well I respect the decision of those that do serve in real bracnhes. Except our local guard unit is sort of the Barney Fife of the Ga Nat'l Guard. They're not allowed to use live ammo at camp when in Ft. Stewart. Some incidents one time...