Clean up the penalties or

We will be lucky to go 9-3. Is what it is although several of them seemed awful questionable. JMO
A lot of home cooking in that game. They did pretty much the same thing as Carter did a couple of times to Nico with no call. UT got called for a couple of critical holds. OU held UT's front all night.

Maybe get the SEC to even it up?
We will be lucky to go 9-3. Is what it is although several of them seemed awful questionable. JMO
Oklahoma hasn’t lost AT HOME in a very long time.

- went on the road
- won the game
- against a Top 15 team
- that had just as much talent as Tennessee.

Tough win tonight!
Ignore the elephant in the room if you want, but this group has a really high potential. Barring injuries to critical personnel, the excessive penalties will end up being the difference in a close game.
Theirs a reason it’s hard to win in Oklahoma. Bob stoops and the officials
Procedure penalties seem to be down this year. Those little 5 yarders for not lining up correctly are drive killers. 2nd and 3 creates opportunities. Changing those to 2nd and 8 makes it a lot harder to sustain drives.
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I hated the one where we stopped em on 4th down late then grabbed the face mask. Score shoulda been 25-9. It just irritated me.
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two of the personal fouls were bad luck with defenders trying to make a play and getting the facemask. OP is trying to kill his liver.
Were both of them on Arion Carter? Not calling him out or anything. I know one was. But I did like us having him in there as a qb spy with the Hawkins guy in. He matched his speed and reaction very well.
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Were both of them on Arion Carter? Not calling him out or anything. I know one was. But I did like us having him in there as a qb spy with the Hawkins guy in. He matched his speed and reaction very well.
i thought one was boo
We won by 10 points on the road against a top 15 team, when they had to score a garbage TD in the last minute to even make it that close. That’s good enough for me. No, it’s better than god enough. It’s downright satisfying and encouraging. Even in ‘98, we had some ugly victories. Remember that year’s Auburn game? Arkansas? Even UAB was ugly that year.

It doesn’t have to he perfect. I don’t expect it to be. If you do, that’s a you problem. Enjoy the big road win. They have been few and far between over the last 20 years.
Hell the first game at Syracuse was a field goal at the end to win. I do believe Donovan McNabb was the QB but I'll take this W tonight. BTW no way that condition of the field was coincidence
We will be lucky to go 9-3. Is what it is although several of them seemed awful questionable. JMO
The flags flew one way at Norman and the worst part is most were solid calls. Our staff needs to address it before we play the solid SEC teams.
I agree the penalties hurt us. Definitely kept them in the game more than they deserved with the first QB.

However, Looking ahead I don't know what game penalties loses us that we would have otherwise won.
It's been a problem that nobody wants to acknowledge. Add some pretty awful offensive play calling in the second half and we had a ball game.
Way too many penalties in the kicking game and has been through 4 games. Staff needs to make this a priority and get this cleaned up. Playcalling was conservative for a reason, our D was playing lights out, we were struggling to pass protect for Nico as evidence of his 2 fumbles on pressures, and keep Nico healthy. Oklahoma D was legit and they meant business when they got there. Sampson took a beating but he stood tall in the 2nd half. A 10 point win on the road in the SEC against a ranked opponent is a credit to our players and our coaches. Arkansas will not be easy either. Their QB and RB are SEC worthy.
We will be lucky to go 9-3. Is what it is although several of them seemed awful questionable. JMO
Absolutely..I said this same thing yesterday. We have a TD, or at the very least 3 points called back because of holding, had them stopped on 4th but a 2nd hands to the face kept their drive alive and eventually scored. Instead of 25-15, that's potentially 32-9 or the very least 28-9. And we've had at least 1 TD called back another game, way too many stupid, personal fouls called the 1st 4 games. I understand playing with a chip, but gotta do it in a smart way. Undisciplined, stupid penalties are going to kill us if they happen vs Ala or Ga or even Fla with how our luck is against them. 28 penalties in 4 games and 17 for 152 against the 2 ranked teams we've played. Way too many 15 yard penalties.

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