hypothetically, assume I have no idea about what you are talking about when you say, "clearinghouse"....how would you explain this to a person who doesn't know what you're talking about?
If that doesn't work....I've got a "friend" that doesn't know about the "clearinghouse", could you tell me how to explain it to "him"?
Looks like Walls has been admitted for Fall '09 and his status is active.
Marlon Walls , hit search after link opens.
poster on volquest (tennstud) says walls has a 2.41 and needs a 2.5 and they are faxing in additional documentation right now to raise it to 2.5...
he also says Orgeron told Walls dad he will "most definitely" get in this year
CJ Fleming is gone for good IIRC. Rogan may be back but he's still got some issues.
I just get the feeling we're gonna get butt****ed on all 3 of these guys though
I am very surprised about Marlon Walls...horrible news if he doesn't get cleared.
Coach O getting him to take any classes at BYU?