Clemens vs McNamee, the trial that isn't a trial



pack light and love heavy…
Sep 6, 2006
Anyone watching that can give me updates?

Interesting note I heard on Mike and Mike this morning seems to vilify McNamee even more. If all the other stories McNamee's told are true, why would he conjure up all this about Clemens?
Wierd trial, still watching it....Roger is fumbling on words right now, Mcnamee isnt just giving one word answers....Either way someone is lying...

I don't think they will ever have enough pure evidence that Roger did it though.
Anything new or interesting going on? Can't watch at work.
I don't think theres anything going to come from this. There is tooooo much this way or that way.
The congressional committee has succeeded in doing what I thought couldn't be done. They made me feel sorry for Roger Clemens. No one should ever be subjected to such an idiotic and pointless line of questioning.
Watching this is moments of your life that could be spent doing something waste of time...and taxpayer money.
a money wasting circle jerk of congressional magnitude funded by the taxpaying conglomerate....phew.....they should send them both to Guantanamo.(sp)
I'm not sure who I'd rather slap . . . Clemens, McNamee or that weasel Henry Waxman.
i got to watch quite a bit from 11-ish on. What i noticed was something I didn't expect. IMO, it made Roger look guiltier than I previously thought, but at the same time it made McNamee look like the scumbag that he is as well. I don't think either side came out a winner today and that's how it should be.

Also, I think it's a total waste for Congress to be wasting their time on something so trivial for them.
Mcnamee is a crook he is a liar and hes dirty......for the mst part i thought them member were on clemens side but the judge was on Mcnamaa i mean i just an 19 year old teen and that what i took from i sure other people may think i wrong but my opiniono only

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