Climate Change

What is your opinion of Climate Change?

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Nice deflection. What is a pediatrist? A kids foot doctor? New one for me.

Gore worshippers can scream "settled science" til the flatulent cows come home...the science us anything but settled in this case. More and more scientist are convinced that the data is altered and the doomsayers have been wrong again and again. Public opinion is shifting as well. The farce is coming to an end...

I wonder when you'll realize you're absolutely delusional on this. Maybe never, and it will be an "Elvis is still alive" kind of thing.
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choosing a book and banning books based on bias are two different things. it's not that difficult to understand.

Bias? They made an informed decision based on the overwhelming scientific consensus.

Go ahead, continue to bury your head in the sand.
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Bias? They made an informed decision based on the overwhelming scientific consensus.

Go ahead, continue to bury your head in the sand.

Is this the same burying in the sand that liberals do about gender identity? So believing something that is scientific fact only works for climate?
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All the ice is gone from the poles.... The polar bears are dead.... Hurricanes are stronger and wreaking havoc .....Half of Florida is underwater...... It's climatic apocalypto
"....passed even though the Oregon Institute of Science and medicine is circulating a petition which states: 'there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate.'
Bill Bigelow, a former Portland public school teacher who worked to present the resolution said many of the text books are 'thick with the language of doubt

So far it has 32,000 signers, including 9,000 Ph.D.s"
Clearly this is proof there is no consensus! I love this story.

Your article makes it sound like the Oregon Petition is something new in response to the Oregon School Board's decision. It’s not. The petition was started in the ‘90s during the Kyoto days by the OISM, which is only one person, and Fred Seitz, who notoriously spent years shilling for big tobacco. Seitz was principal scientific advisor to RJ Reynolds where he was responsible for about $50 million of their *research*. In 1989, a decade before he started this petition, an internal Philip Morris memo stated that he “is quite elderly and not sufficiently rational to offer advice.”

When Seitz started circulating the petition he had an accompanying manuscript which he disguised to appear as if it were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy. The National Academy of Science even had to put out a statement denouncing this sneaky bull****. It was not peer reviewed nor did it have anything to do with NAS. Furthermore, it was coauthored by the infamous Baliunas and Soon, who together were at the center of a controversial case of ‘pal review’. Willie Soon, if you recall, was also exposed last year for taking over a million dollars from the fossil fuel industry in return for ‘deliverables’ while failing to disclose the funding with his publishers (a big no-no).

With that context, let’s move on to the petition itself. It boasts 30,000+ signatories which have a BS degree. Perhaps some were duped by the fake manuscript. Surely many do not have relevant expertise. Nonetheless, assuming that number was accurate, it would still represent less than 1% of US science graduates. Of those, 39 (or 0.1%) claim to have a background in climatology. And of the honest signatories, many have probably changed their minds as the consensus has grown stronger over the past two decades. Anyway, all this is rather difficult to verify because just about anyone could technically sign it.


Yup! All it takes is a scribble and you, too, can have a Ph.D.! Famous signatories include Charles Darwin, Michael J. Fox, Robert C. Byrd, the Spice Girls, and other obvious fakes. In the words of the petition’s creator, "When we're getting thousands of signatures there's no way of filtering out a fake."

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Just wanted to see if you've given this any thought at all or if you're just throwing stuff out there. You really think increased ocean heat content has caused some kind of world wide environmental stress to the coral? Because I think your number of 0.5 C is about 5 to 10 times too high if it is even that. The Argo numbers are showing about 0.007 C per decade warming in the Pacific and those are adjusted numbers. The raw data is showing no warming.
I gave you sea surface temperature. NOAA uses sea surface temperature to monitor bleaching hot spots.

What depth are you looking at in ARGO? Most corals are in shallow waters <100 ft.

The oceans most certainly are warming, and it’s well established that thermal stress (usually associated with El Nino) is what causes mass coral bleaching. Global warming is making it worse. “In a world without humans, it’s not quite impossible that you’d get March sea surface temperatures as warm as this year but it’s extremely unlikely,” King told Guardian Australia. “Whereas in the current climate it’s unusual but not exceptional. By the mid 2030s it will be average. And beyond that it will be cooler than normal if it was as warm as this year.”
Another one of Bart and his minions' templates up in smoke. Pun intended.

Wildfire: misconceptions about trends and impacts revealed in new research
Sure, wildfires have generally decreased over the past century. That’s due to the explosion of civilization and accompanying land management practices like agricultural expansion and fire suppression. 100 years is a coarse resolution, though. Your article acknowledges that that trend has already reversed in some places like North America, Australia, and Russia and this is expected to continue. The U.S., which I know is all you care about, just set a record last year burning over 10 million acres. We're spending twice as much US taxpayer money fighting fires as we first did just 15 years ago. Fire seasons are 2-3 months longer than they used to be. Snow melts earlier than it used to. Wildfires in West have gotten bigger, more frequent and longer since the 1980s. And on a related note, Fort McMurray in the heart of Canada’s tar sands country ironically just had to evacuate its 80,000 citizens as an unusually early wildfire decimated the city.

Yeah, you’re not going to have any more luck arguing that global warming doesn’t affect wildfires than you are arguing that it doesn’t affect coral bleaching. Only one man has that kind of power...

Trump tells California 'there is no drought'



Lake Mead Shrinks to Record Low Amid Ongoing Western Drought
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Trump acknowledges climate change – at his golf course
The New York billionaire is applying for permission to erect a coastal protection works to prevent erosion at his seaside golf resort, Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland, in County Clare.

A permit application for the wall, filed by Trump International Golf Links Ireland and reviewed by POLITICO, explicitly cites global warming and its consequences — increased erosion due to rising sea levels and extreme weather this century — as a chief justification for building the structure.

The zoning application raises further questions about how the billionaire developer would confront a risk he has publicly minimized but that has been identified as a defining challenge of this era by world leaders, global industry and the American military. His public disavowal of climate science at the same time he moves to secure his own holdings against the effects of climate change also illustrates the conflict between his political rhetoric and the realities of running a business with seaside assets in the 21st century.

“It's diabolical," said former South Carolina Republican Rep. Bob Inglis, an advocate of conservative solutions to climate change. “Donald Trump is working to ensure his at-risk properties and his company is trying to figure out how to deal with sea level rise. Meanwhile, he’s saying things to audiences that he must know are not true. … You have a soft place in your heart for people who are honestly ignorant, but people who are deceitful, that’s a different thing.”
He’s gonna build that wall, and he’s gonna make Ireland pay for it!
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Again, change a few key words and this is exactly the argument Big Tobacco used. Not only is it the same argument, it’s the same people making the argument. Exxon’s law firm Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison defended Big Tobacco for years. So have the CEI and their attorneys. So have several of the organizations listed in your article. In fact, Theodore Wells Jr., one of the lawyers who submitted Exxon’s Texas suit to attempt to block the more recent subpoenas, was co-lead counsel for Philip Morris during the tobacco RICO trials.

(On a related note, Exxon’s attorneys also happen to represent the NFL in the ongoing concussion/CTE litigation)

The first amendment doesn’t give you blanket protection from fraud investigation.
Interesting. It turns out that's also the Ted Wells from the deflategate "Wells Report"

Exxon's Lawyer in Climate Science Probe Has History Helping Big Tobacco and NFL Defend Against Health Claims

And their consulting firm Exponent has also been involved in some shady stuff.

Toyota calls in Exponent Inc. as hired gun
Asbestos: The Missing Link Between Deflategate, Junk Science, & Corporate Greed
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I gave you sea surface temperature. NOAA uses sea surface temperature to monitor bleaching hot spots.

What depth are you looking at in ARGO? Most corals are in shallow waters <100 ft.

The oceans most certainly are warming, and it’s well established that thermal stress (usually associated with El Nino) is what causes mass coral bleaching. Global warming is making it worse. “In a world without humans, it’s not quite impossible that you’d get March sea surface temperatures as warm as this year but it’s extremely unlikely,” King told Guardian Australia. “Whereas in the current climate it’s unusual but not exceptional. By the mid 2030s it will be average. And beyond that it will be cooler than normal if it was as warm as this year.”

Sure, wildfires have generally decreased over the past century. That’s due to the explosion of civilization and accompanying land management practices like agricultural expansion and fire suppression. 100 years is a coarse resolution, though. Your article acknowledges that that trend has already reversed in some places like North America, Australia, and Russia and this is expected to continue. The U.S., which I know is all you care about, just set a record last year burning over 10 million acres. We're spending twice as much US taxpayer money fighting fires as we first did just 15 years ago. Fire seasons are 2-3 months longer than they used to be. Snow melts earlier than it used to. Wildfires in West have gotten bigger, more frequent and longer since the 1980s. And on a related note, Fort McMurray in the heart of Canada’s tar sands country ironically just had to evacuate its 80,000 citizens as an unusually early wildfire decimated the city.

Yeah, you’re not going to have any more luck arguing that global warming doesn’t affect wildfires than you are arguing that it doesn’t affect coral bleaching. Only one man has that kind of power...

Trump tells California 'there is no drought'



Lake Mead Shrinks to Record Low Amid Ongoing Western Drought

Don't forget to mention just how many freakin' municipalities have tapped into it along with the increases populations
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All the ice is gone from the poles.... The polar bears are dead.... Hurricanes are stronger and wreaking havoc .....Half of Florida is underwater...... It's climatic apocalypto

Dang, I'm going to Florida in a month!
I gave you sea surface temperature. NOAA uses sea surface temperature to monitor bleaching hot spots.

What depth are you looking at in ARGO? Most corals are in shallow waters <100 ft.

The oceans most certainly are warming, and it’s well established that thermal stress (usually associated with El Nino) is what causes mass coral bleaching. Global warming is making it worse. “In a world without humans, it’s not quite impossible that you’d get March sea surface temperatures as warm as this year but it’s extremely unlikely,” King told Guardian Australia. “Whereas in the current climate it’s unusual but not exceptional. By the mid 2030s it will be average. And beyond that it will be cooler than normal if it was as warm as this year.”

Sure, wildfires have generally decreased over the past century. That’s due to the explosion of civilization and accompanying land management practices like agricultural expansion and fire suppression. 100 years is a coarse resolution, though. Your article acknowledges that that trend has already reversed in some places like North America, Australia, and Russia and this is expected to continue. The U.S., which I know is all you care about, just set a record last year burning over 10 million acres. We're spending twice as much US taxpayer money fighting fires as we first did just 15 years ago. Fire seasons are 2-3 months longer than they used to be. Snow melts earlier than it used to. Wildfires in West have gotten bigger, more frequent and longer since the 1980s. And on a related note, Fort McMurray in the heart of Canada’s tar sands country ironically just had to evacuate its 80,000 citizens as an unusually early wildfire decimated the city.

Yeah, you’re not going to have any more luck arguing that global warming doesn’t affect wildfires than you are arguing that it doesn’t affect coral bleaching. Only one man has that kind of power...

Trump tells California 'there is no drought'



Lake Mead Shrinks to Record Low Amid Ongoing Western Drought

You're the one who introduced the chart of ocean heat content (you know the one with 10^22 joules) and linked it to coral bleaching.
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Lake Mead would be better if it weren't for the people in California that need to water their grass.

I met a guy on vacation that lived in San Diego that was *****ing about his $400 a month water bill, because he wasn't going to kill his landscaping.
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You are an idiot if you dont think science is based in facts. Climate Change is real its been happening since earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago (if you think its 6000 years old please walk into traffic)
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You are an idiot if you dont think science is based in facts. Climate Change is real its been happening since earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago (if you think its 6000 years old please walk into traffic)

This is the ideology I talk about in here that people are hypocritical. This guy proves it, "if you have a different opinion please die" is basically what you're saying by "walk into traffic". How about grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around you and your feelings? I don't even get in this debate, but it's no different than the others. People have different opinions, if you're such a person that you wish them dead rather than accept everyone doesn't see it your way, don't go out in public. Ridiculous comment man.
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You are an idiot if you dont think science is based in facts. Climate Change is real its been happening since earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago (if you think its 6000 years old please walk into traffic)

You just got scolded by the nicest , most well liked person on VN in your first 55 posts. Off to a great start there, scooter. It's bedtime now. Mom said if you don't find a job this month, she's gonna kick you out of the basement. Early birds,worms, and whatnot.
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You are an idiot if you dont think science is based in facts. Climate Change is real its been happening since earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago (if you think its 6000 years old please walk into traffic)

Are you majoring in illogic and dichotomy?
This is the ideology I talk about in here that people are hypocritical. This guy proves it, "if you have a different opinion please die" is basically what you're saying by "walk into traffic". How about grow up and realize the world doesn't revolve around you and your feelings? I don't even get in this debate, but it's no different than the others. People have different opinions, if you're such a person that you wish them dead rather than accept everyone doesn't see it your way, don't go out in public. Ridiculous comment man.

Great post Joe
You are an idiot if you dont think science is based in facts. Climate Change is real its been happening since earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago (if you think its 6000 years old please walk into traffic)

Of course climate change is real and the various climates around the earth have changed several times over the billions of years the earth has been in existence. The dispute is whether man who has only been here for a relatively short time is causing another shift.
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