Clinton Foundation, Benghazi Coverup of Gun Running and Mr NoName McCain

Wait... so his "body parts" were dumped one place, but his "body" was taken somewhere else? You mean like they removed his organs or something and threw them one place and his body thrown out to sea?
It was never verified to be his body. When they had him in Iran they took the DNA before they moved him. That's what Alan parrot is reporting.

This is HUGE and will implicate people all the way back to the Bush administration. Everybody needs to share this with everybody you know. The Swamp is real and thats exactly why they fight this administration so hard. The sad thing is the media will do everything in their power to supress this and will just write it off as another baseless conspiracy theory.
Have you seen the leaked photos of Bin Laden? It was pretty much just parts. That body was ripped apart and in pieces from all the bullets.
It was pretty unidentifiable. The crew on the ship was never told to keep anything about the at sea burial because it never happened.
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Anna Khait (@Annakhait) Tweeted:
I am aware that Whistleblower Alan Parrot is giving interviews with other journalists. Great 👍🏻 One should be dropping shortly.

GOP Debate Moderator Dana Perino Hosted Clinton Foundation Panel Introducing the ‘Amazing’ Hillary Clinton​


Fox News personality Dana Perino, who co-moderated Wednesday night’s Republican primary debate, hosted a panel at the Clinton Foundation gala in September, introducing the “amazing” Hillary Clinton.

The revelation follows backlash after the Republican National Committee (RNC) included Univision in the debate, leading to leftist talking points throughout the night and irking many conservative voters.

According to reports, prior to hosting the second GOP debate, Perino hosted a panel titled “Journalism on the Front Lines: How Supporting a Strong, Free Press Strengthens Democratic Societies Worldwide” for the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) annual conference. Perhaps most notably, Perino introduced the failed challenger of former President Donald Trump as “the amazing Secretary Hillary Clinton.”


GOP Debate Moderator Dana Perino Hosted Clinton Foundation Panel Introducing the ‘Amazing’ Hillary Clinton​

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Fox News personality Dana Perino, who co-moderated Wednesday night’s Republican primary debate, hosted a panel at the Clinton Foundation gala in September, introducing the “amazing” Hillary Clinton.

The revelation follows backlash after the Republican National Committee (RNC) included Univision in the debate, leading to leftist talking points throughout the night and irking many conservative voters.

According to reports, prior to hosting the second GOP debate, Perino hosted a panel titled “Journalism on the Front Lines: How Supporting a Strong, Free Press Strengthens Democratic Societies Worldwide” for the Clinton Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) annual conference. Perhaps most notably, Perino introduced the failed challenger of former President Donald Trump as “the amazing Secretary Hillary Clinton.”

You’re fooling yourself if you think these folks are divided. They put on a good show in front of the cameras, act indignant at whatever the other side does and rile up their side to help sow division while all these politicians and MSM folks go to the same parties, yuck it up and then pretend they’re mortal enemies the next day. They’re all the same.
You’re fooling yourself if you think these folks are divided. They put on a good show in front of the cameras, act indignant at whatever the other side does and rile up their side to help sow division while all these politicians and MSM folks go to the same parties, yuck it up and then pretend they’re mortal enemies the next day. They’re all the same.
I’ve been saying this for years. The Rs and the Ds are on the same side. Both play a role to keep the citizens divided and keep their power.
I’ve been saying this for years. The Rs and the Ds are on the same side. Both play a role to keep the citizens divided and keep their power.
and remember who Trump hung out with before his 2016 wasn't a bunch of good ole boy Republicans. It was Al Sharpton, and Hilary Clinton, and so forth.
yeah, they weren't enemies then, and they aren't enemies now. at least not politically. all the issues with Trump are in regards to power, not actual politics.
Oh, they're enemies now. Trump had the audacity to run and beat Hillary. He took her turn. No way she forgives that.

As far as Republicans and Democrats go, I've been saying they want the same thing for years. Both sides want power and control. Neither side wants a united citizenry that would call them on their BS. The two-party system has been destroying this country for decades, eroding the rights of the individual.

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