"The childlike behavior on this board has gotten well out of hand. The constant bickering, name calling, and following posters from thread to thread is against the rules and there will be a zero tolerance policy from this point forward.
If I have to delete your thread because of a rules violation, I am going to spent the extra 10 seconds it takes and go ahead and blacklist you for 10 days as well (a day for every second of my time you are wasting).
I assume we are all grownups here, so now is the time to start acting like it. The rules on the forum are very clearly laid out in the link above (at the top of the board - rules). Don't get me wrong, it isn't everyone, but it only takes a couple immature types to ruin it for everyone.
I would rather have 10 people on here discussing the Gators in a sensible manner than have 400 children on here who don't know how to act.
There is nothing wrong with disagreement, feel free to state your opinions. However, there comes a point when if you can't state your opinion without acting childish, we can do without you." -